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UPF-Russia Commemorates World Interfaith Harmony Week

Russia-2022-02-04-World Interfaith Harmony Week Observed in Moscow

Moscow, Russia—UPF-Russia invited old and new friends to a meeting titled "Harmony-Prayer-Dialogue of Traditions."

Together with the "Amicability" diplomatic club, the Russian branches of UPF and its Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) and International Association for Arts and Culture (IAACP) held the meeting on February 4, 2022, to commemorate both World Interfaith Harmony Week and the International Day of Human Fraternity. About 55 people attended the event at the "President" art hall.

Spiritual leaders, diplomats, public figures and representatives of the creative intelligentsia talked about the possibilities and successes of dialogue between world religions.

Prominent guests who shared their experience and thoughts with the audience included charismatic television actress Anna Chapman, actor and People's Artist of Russia Daniil Kramer, and television actress and Honored Artist of Russia Zhanna Epple.

After a break in which magician Sergei Listopad entertained the audience, the program resumed.

H.E. Khalid Abdullah Kraiyem Shavabka, Jordan’s ambassador to Russia, presented holy water from the Jordan River to Father Michael, hieromonk of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. H.E. Hassan Abdi Daud, the head of the diplomatic corps of Somalia in Russia, also offered some words.

H.E. Ahmed Salem al-Vaheishi, Yemen’s ambassador to Russia, was awarded a UPF Ambassador for Peace certificate by Konstantin Krylov, secretary general of UPF for Eastern Europe.

In his speech, Mr. Krylov emphasized that the event was being held on the United Nations’ International Day of Human Fraternity.

The UN General Assembly chose February 4 for International Day of Human Fraternity because on that date in 2019, the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together (the Abu Dhabi Declaration) was signed by Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyib, the supreme imam of Al-Azhar.

It is significant that, three years after the signing of the Abu Dhabi Declaration, peace-loving appeals of representatives of Christian and Muslim traditions again were heard at the meeting held in Moscow.

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