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K. Y. Maiga: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VIII

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Honorable UPF Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Conference Co-chairmen, distinguished speakers, ladies and gentlemen, it is for me a great honor to address you on this solemn occasion of the Universal Peace Federation’s World Summit 2022 under the theme: “Toward Peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the World.”

On this occasion, I would like to pay tribute to the memory of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Universal Peace Federation, recognize the charismatic dynamism of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and give due recognition to all the leaders of this organization.

I greet all the participants of this World Summit whose massive presence expresses all the interest they give to reconciliation, peace, and development in the Korean peninsula, in all Asia, and in the world. May God bless you and assist you throughout your work to achieve the noble objectives of this important and strategic meeting.

Ladies and Gentlemen, on November 28, 2019 at the Congress Palace in Niamey, Niger, on the occasion of the UPF African Summit, the Mother of Peace, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, said and I quote: “Today, we call for peace. Unfortunately, the world is sinking deeper and deeper into war, conflict and confusion. This means that peace goes beyond human efforts, movements of thought, or institutions. True peace is achieved by knowing the essence of the Creator, the master of this universe,” end of quote.

Peace and the search for peace have become a major concern of the Mother of Peace who, despite her fragility, travels the world to advocate for peace through multidimensional and multi-form initiatives and actions. The organization of this World Summit is part of this array of approaches. We pray that God will grant Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon the courage and good health to continue her life-saving work for everlasting peace in the world. 

Allow me to acknowledge two personalities who honor and enhance the brilliance of this World Summit by their presence and especially for their deep scientific involvement. I would like to mention H.E. Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and H.E. Ban Ki-moon, the famous former Secretary General of the United Nations. These personalities are icons of peace and we deeply appreciate their presence alongside the Mother of Peace, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, in the organization and facilitation of this World Summit 2022, but also in all her initiatives and actions for peace in the world.

A former President of Niger said, and I quote: “.... I think it is essential to mention here some of the deep-rooted causes of the conflicts that are shaking the world. First of all, the inequalities that exist in the world today, inequalities between countries and inequalities within the same country are generators of conflicts. The second cause of conflict that I would like to address is poverty; millions of human beings are still exposed to hunger and have no access to education, drinking water, or health care. The third cause of conflict is intolerance,” end of quote.

In my country, Niger, where insecurity has been rife for several years, peace has a completely different meaning. Indeed, one must often experience the horrors of armed conflicts and their consequences to understand the true value of peace. We have understood that no development is possible without peace. It is more than necessary to act to build a world of peace to allow the development and well-being of communities. To this end, we support and encourage all actions and initiatives of the Mother of Peace in this matter.

We will now turn to the issue of peace on the Korean Peninsula. As we said in our July 2021 message, UPF has focused all its attention on finding solutions in the area of peace on the Korean Peninsula. UPF’s initiatives and other actions, including Rallies of Hope, international leadership conferences, and Think Tank forums that have mobilized many experts and country leaders, have attracted widespread attention from millions of people around the world.

As we said earlier, peace in the Korean peninsula is of paramount importance and all actors must act in synergy for the achievement of this peace. In terms of recommendations, we would say that UPF should continue its actions and initiatives that it has been carrying out for the past few years, especially its Northeast Asia Peace Initiative. In this spirit, UPF will strengthen the organization of multi-sectoral programs that bring together various experts from different professional fields such as governments, parliaments, universities, civil societies, religious organizations, media, etc.

Lastly, we must request legal and organizational support from the United Nations through the creation of an agency to coordinate actions for the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

I thank you.



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