Launched in 2001, Ambassadors for Peace is the largest and most diverse network of peace leaders. As of 2020, there are more than 100,000 Ambassadors for Peace from 160 countries who come from all walks of life representing many races, religions, nationalities, and cultures, and commit to:

  • Stand on the common ground of universal moral principles, promoting reconciliation, overcoming barriers, and building peace.
  • Form a global network representing the diversity of the human family and all disciplines of endeavor.
  • Promote cooperation beyond boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
  • Practice “living for the sake of others” as the guiding principle for building a global community.

ambassadors for peace

  • Affirmation of UPF’s principles of peace
  • Demonstration of leadership qualities in a given sphere of activity
  • Recommendation by a Senior Member of UPF or an organization affiliated with UPF

To apply, contact the chapter where you live (click name for contact information).

Read a sampling of quotes about peace by Ambassadors for Peace.

Ambassadors for Peace is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.