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Think Tank 2022: Toward Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula


“Think Tank 2022 is a virtual think tank that is actively gathering the wisdom and expertise of people around the world who want to see peace on the Korean Peninsula. We will explore every avenue to break through the barriers to lasting peace in this troubled region, which has been divided for nearly 70 years.” 
 - Dr. Thomas Walsh, Chairman of Universal Peace Federation

UPF, which unveiled Think Tank 2022 in May 2021 as one of its main projects, is mobilizing its worldwide network in this effort, reaching leaders in all sectors of society. Utilizing online forums, webinars and strategic discussions, world leaders and influencers are joining a global network of experts to examine all aspects of a peaceful reunification. Topics range from economics and trade to the role of China and the fate of the Demilitarized Zone, which has become a pristine environment and has been suggested as an ideal place for a fifth global UN office and a world peace park.

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“As a Korean, I would like to thank the world’s top experts for launching Think Tank 2022 for peace on the Korean Peninsula. This network will make a difference for peace on the Korean Peninsula through international unity.”

- Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Think Tank 2022 Reports

See reports and articles on the activities of Think Tank 2022.

Reports on Think Tank 2022

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Rally of Hope Series
  • Rally of Hope V: February 28: Proposal to inaugurate Think Tank 2022 
    • Post-Event Press Release
  • Rally of Hope VI: May 9: Inauguration of Think Tank 2022
    • Post-Event Press Release
  • Rally of Hope VII: September 12: Think Tank 2022
    • Post-Event Press Release
World Summit Series
  • Feb 8-11, 2019
  • Feb 3-8, 2020
International Leadership Conferences
  • June 2021
  • July 2021
  • August 2021

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Upcoming Events

 Over the next two years, 2021-2022, Think Tank 2022 will carry out a very ambitious slate of programs and projects for peaceful reunification, working through the primary associations of UPF—ISCP, IAPP, IAPD, IMAP, IAAP, IAED, IAFLP, IAACP. This initiative will take shape initially through a three-step process, each exploring ways to move from a frozen conflict toward a relationship characterized by mutual respect, cooperation, and eventually reconciliation between the governments and the peoples of the two Koreas.

Think Tank 2022 Forum Series: The Think Tank 2022 Forum Series, carried out by the global network of UPF Chapters across the world in 193 nations, will not only raise awareness of the problem, but it will result in a variety of recommendations that may be proposed and eventually carried out.

Expert Working Groups: The Think Tank 2022 Forum Series will contribute to the building of several Expert Working Groups, each consisting of leading figures in fields such as international relations, public policy, economics, trade and commerce, infrastructure development, people-to-people exchange, humanitarian service and the arts.

Fact-Finding Tours: Based on the Expert Working Groups a series of fact-finding tours will be arranged, allowing experts to meet with counterparts in both South Korea and North Korea, as well as with counterparts in major stakeholder nations, such as the USA, China, Russia and Japan.

Summit on Peace on the Korean Peninsula: Preparations are underway to convene a major World Summit in Seoul, Korea, February 2022, following the pattern of World Summit 2020, convened in Seoul, Korea, February 2020, with more than 10,000 participants, and leading experts from every sector.

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Think Tank 2022 Resolution, September 12th, 2021

Recognizing that the Korean War began in 1950, more than 70 years ago, concluding not with a peace treaty but with an armistice, leaving the once unified Korean peninsula divided, despite being populated by a people with a common history, culture, and language; and

Acknowledging that the tragic conflict resulted in approximately 3 million fatalities, and a legacy of bitter suffering and distrust between the peoples of the two Koreas; and

Believing that the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula is imperative for not only peace in Northeast Asia but throughout the world; and

Appreciating the commitment and investment over many decades of the Founders of the Universal Peace Federation, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who established many initiatives aimed at promoting peace on the Korean peninsula; and

Affirming the work of the Universal Peace Federation, through its many programs, including the World Summit series, the Rally of Hope series, the International Leadership Conferences, the Northeast Asia Peace Initiative, and numerous fact-finding consultations, all aimed at contributing to peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula; and

Acknowledging the value of UPF’s collaborative, multi-sectoral approach to peace through its primary associations that include ISCP, IAPP, IAPD, IMAP, IAED, IAAP, IAFLP, and IAACP; and

Appreciating the significant role that culture can play in promoting peace on the Korean Peninsula and in other parts of the world; and

Recognizing that the Think Tank 2022 Rally of Hope includes the inauguration of the Asia Pacific Secretariat of Think Tank 2022 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with the Asian Vision Institute hosting the Secretariat; and

Acknowledging that H.E. Samdech Hun Sen will serve as Co-Chair for the World Summit 2021,

We therefore resolve to work collaboratively toward the goal of peace on the Korean Peninsula, bringing together leading experts from a wide range of professional fields—government, academic, civil society, faith-based organizations, the media, business, and the arts—in order to explore the prospects for improved relations between the people of the two Koreas, as well among the other stakeholder countries of the region, carrying out a variety of programs and initiatives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Think Tank 2022?

Think Tank 2022 is an unprecedented effort to focus the world’s attention on the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Think Tank 2022 consists of hundreds of leading experts representing government, civil society, faith-based organizations, the media, academia, and the arts and culture. Organized into expert working groups, Think Tank 2022 draws on their wisdom and expertise in developing a reunification strategy that can be presented to key stakeholders in Northeast Asia and beyond. “We will explore every avenue to break through the barriers to lasting peace in this troubled region, which has been divided for nearly 70 years,” said Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, chairman of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF).

Who are the organizers?

UPF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and NGO in General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), launched Think Tank 2022 in May 2021. UPF Co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon is the inspiration behind this project. UPF’s seven global peace associations are spearheading Think Tank 2022 activities around the world and in multiple sectors, such as geopolitical leadership, academics, media, business and culture.

What are the goals of Think Tank 2022?

The main goal is to focus world leaders, policy experts and influencers on mapping a path toward reconciliation and peace on the Korean Peninsula that can bring about substantial change within the next two years.

Who are the experts working with it?

UPF’s seven peace associations operate around the world and draw on current and past government, religious, academic, business, media and cultural leaders. Details on specific activities and experts can be found at

UPF’s seven peace associations spearheading Think Tank 2022 include the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP) and the International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP), International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), International Media Association for Peace (IMAP), International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED), International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP), and the International Association of Arts and Culture for Peace (IAACP).

What areas of concern are being examined for Korean reunification?

As shown in history, there are many issues to work out when nations, such as East and West Germany, reunify. Think Tank 2022 provides the platform to address dozens of issues, such as economics, trade, food security, health care, the role of China, communications, denuclearization, international relations, and cultural and sports exchanges. A unique issue is the fate of the Demilitarized Zone, which has become a pristine environment and has been suggested by UPF Co-founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon as an ideal place for a fifth global UN office and a world peace park.

Are officials with North Korea and South Korea aware of Think Tank 2022?


Are other nations getting involved in Think Tank 2022?

Yes. Think Tank 2022 is already gathering experts who are influencers in their nations. From heads of state to parliamentarians and leading figures in faith and civil society, these experts have helped shape the direction of over 100 nations toward a better path of peace and prosperity. Think Tank 2022 is tapping into this resource of collective wisdom and experience from neighboring nations in the Asia-Pacific region as well as peace-oriented allies around the world. For more details on events, please see

How will Think Tank 2022 achieve its goals?

International unity “is what will make a difference for peace on the Korean Peninsula,” former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said at the May 2021 inauguration of Think Tank 2022 at the 6th Rally of Hope, which was held online with millions of participants from 193 countries. There is worldwide interest in seeing peaceful reunification on the Korean Peninsula, and recommendations are already flowing in from world leaders, NGOs, faith-based organizations, the private sector, humanitarian groups, media experts, arts and culture groups, and private citizens.

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