Peace and Security

UPF acknowledges the need for careful and proportionate use of power, including political, economic, military and civil society power to sustain lasting peace. However, we strongly emphasize "soft power" solutions as essential to peacebuilding. A leading exponent of “track two” diplomacy, UPF emphasizes the role and responsibility of religious and spiritual leaders to transcend historical self-interest and pursue the ideal of “One family under God.”
Goal: Increase dialogue and understanding between parties in conflict
Methods: Consultations among scholars, diplomats, government officials, civil society representatives, and religious leaders; people-to-people diplomacy
Washington DC, USA Peace and Security Forums - Focusing on volatile areas of tension and conflict (
Jerusalem Peace and Security Forums - Exploring ways in which stable and sustainable peace and security can be established (
Tokyo Forums - Addressing national and international security issues (
Regional Peace and Security Initiatives
- Balkans - Bringing together leaders to consider paths to peace in the Balkans
- Baltics - Overcoming historical tensions between Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania through grassroots engagement
- Middle East - Organizing forums and other opportunities to promote understanding, with a special focus on Israel and its neighbors
- Northeast Asia - Promoting efforts to improve relations among nations in the region, with a special focus on the Korean Peninsula
- South Asia - Building peace and cooperation through leadership consultations and grassroots activities
- South Caucasus - Fostering understanding among the diverse groups in the region through people-to-people diplomacy
Insight on critical issues: Europe-Eurasia relations, The crisis in Syria, Peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula
- Sri Lanka - UPF Conference at Sri Lankan Parliament Calls for Regional Cooperation
- Canada - UPF-Canada Convenes Webinar on “Viewing the DPRK from Within”
- Cambodia - ILC Cambodia 2023: Executive Report
- UPF-EUME Explores a ‘New Vision’ for a Unified Korea
- Switzerland - UPF-Switzerland Discusses Neutrality as Potential Path to Peace on the Korean Peninsula
- South Korea - UPF-Korea Holds 19th Forum for a Unified Korea
- Italy - UPF-Italy Peace Forum Discusses the Suffering of Migrants
- France - UPF-France Supports Afghan Association
- Switzerland - EUME IAAP Considers a Neutral Korea
- South Korea - Peace Summit 2023: Session VII-C: Focus on Parliamentarians
- South Korea - Peace Summit 2023: Session VI-A: Europe and the Middle East
- South Korea - Peace Summit 2023: Opening Plenary