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Á. Sánchez Dueñas: Address to World Summit 2022, Plenary Session IV

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


My warmest regards to the Mother of Peace, Dr. Hak Ja Han, to the heads of state, religious leaders, parliamentarians, and all the world leaders who are collaborating in the work that Mother Moon has been doing to achieve a world of peace.

First, I would like to send my congratulations to Dr. Hak Ja Han for her wisdom in establishing the Rally of Hope series. Through the Rally of Hope, Dr. Hak Ja Han has launched a worldwide campaign to cultivate a world of peace, focusing on the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Mother Moon has been making greater efforts for world leaders to address challenges to end world poverty, inequality and the environmental pollution that is causing global warming.

One of the main organizations that support the work of Dr. Hak Ja Han and her late husband, Dr. Moon, is the Universal Peace Federation with its worldwide appointment of Ambassadors for Peace, whose main objective is to encourage world leaders to sit down together to hold a dialogue on the foundations of mutual respect and understanding.  And it is precisely on this basis that UPF is building mechanisms that allow North and South Korean leaders and politicians to abide by the principles of respect and point to a reconciliation commitment.

Politically, the reunification of Korea could be interpreted as a product of the dominance of one system over the other; or perhaps, reaching a global integration between North and South. However, the universal values of freedom, goodness, justice, equality, love, responsibility, honesty, solidarity, truth and friendship must become the foundation of universal peace. Humankind must act according to universal values such as rules of living, justice, honesty, tolerance, respect, equality, peace and freedom. A society without justice will not have peace. A society that does not struggle to reduce the levels of corruption, organized and common crime would be unable to build strong institutions to ensure the human rights of its citizens. Let us lay aside the anomie and anarchy that destroy the foundations of our societies through disorder, chaos and violence.

We must act according to the values of the Creator. Principles and respect for our fellow human beings should be foremost in consolidating an equal and peaceful society. As world citizens committed to an equal and peaceful society, we must demand ourselves that others be as well. There is no equality if there is no respect for differences. There is no unity without cooperation. There is no life without peace. There will be no true and lasting peace until the denuclearization of the world is achieved. As long as nuclear weapons exist, peace and humanity's existence will always be threatened. Let us ensure universal peace with true gestures of our leaders, through solidarity and cooperation.



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.