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E. Olmert: Address to World Summit 2022, Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


I first thank Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon for the inspiration, for the leadership that brought all of us here at this time, under these circumstances.

Every major development in human history, every revolution, every dramatic change in the quality of life of people living in different parts of the world always started with one person, a person who had the courage to step forward when most other people could not. A person who had the vision to look forward when most other people were not, a person who had the imagination, the creativity, the fearless attitude to try something that had never been tried before and to take the risk because he believed that this can make a difference in the lives of people.

This person is, in our time, at this place, Dame Professor Sarah Gilbert. She had the courage to dream what appeared to many to be impossible. She had the imagination to think of something that can make a difference when most other people in every part of the world were preoccupied with the fear, the genuine natural fears of the pandemic which spread across the world and which threatened the lives of so many people. She started, and when she started she moved forward, and when she moved forward, our lives became safer and there was hope.

She was not the only one, obviously; there were others, but I think that she represents the courage, the wisdom, the scientific expertise, the experience and, most important of all, the ability to look forward rather than to be tied up to the present and fear to take the one step ahead of others that will make the difference. Thank you, Professor, for the work you have done.

There could be no impact for the creation of this vaccine and the others had there not been an organization that could reach out for all those who need the vaccine so that they will be able to benefit from it.

There are millions in Africa, in the furthest places, there are millions in South America, in Europe, in Asia, low-income people, low-income countries that were unable to somehow reach for the sources of these vaccines in order to use them to save the lives of their citizens, of their people. The Gavi organization, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, did it.

It's been an outstanding achievement which manifested resourcefulness, creativity, strength and absolute dedication and devotion of thousands of people across the world that could bring the billions of doses for those whose lives were saved by this. I'm sure, although I was not officially authorized, but I have this feeling that while all of you sit with your masks and I can't even see your faces, that I speak for you when I thank them. Thank you very much.



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.