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G. Jonathan: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VIII

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Our dear Mother Moon, the Mother of Peace; Your Excellencies; distinguished ladies and gentlemen: On behalf of myself, my family, the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP), Africa, and indeed the entire college of Ambassadors for Peace, I wish to salute you on this special Summit.

It is a time to reflect on the vision of peace, reconciliation and harmonious coexistence which Reverend Moon lived and pursued with vigor.

It would also stand to his memory, and indeed to the credit of all lovers of peace, when his dream for the reunification of North and South Korea, for which a multinational think tank has been set up, is achieved.

The ISCP-Africa, which I chair, hereby restates its readiness to collaborate with bodies such as UPF and other programs to promote dialogue, unification, peace and development in the unified Korean nation.

I should wish to congratulate Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the co-founder of UPF, for her capability, wisdom, commitment, and her untiring advocacy for global peace and harmonious existence, and for carrying on the initiatives that she co-founded with Reverend Moon.

I urge the leaders of Korea to be open to continuous partnerships with both local and international organizations in order to achieve lasting peace in the peninsula and the world.

Let the healing of the world begin with the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Once again, to all world leaders, let us reflect on the vision of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and promote policies, programs and initiatives that will bring peace and harmony to our world.

May the world stand with Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, so that together we shall continue to move with the laudable programs of UPF dedicated to world peace.

I wish you all a successful deliberation in this special summit.

I thank you all.



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