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C. Hall: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VII

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


I am very excited about speaking to you, and I want to begin with the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37, which talks about the Valley of Dry Bones. When we look at it, we see that God is telling Ezekiel that He has a lot of people all around the world. When Ezekiel looked upon the bones, they were dry, so God told him to prophesy, or speak the word of the Lord to these bones and ask the question, “Can they live?” The answer was, “Yes! They can.” And, of course, Ezekiel said, “Thou knowest. As he began to do what God instructed, that is, to prophesy, the bones began to come together and take form. After they took form, as they were just standing there, God said to Ezekiel, “Now prophesy more.

It is a good representation of how we are now—in full form, as God would have us to be. The word of God needs to ignite us to do that which God hath said and to bring the nations back together as He has spoken of, sprinkling clean water upon people, digging out stony hearts, and giving them a heart of flesh. It is then that He is going to be their God. God wants to be the God of all nations, which He is, but he wants all nations to come together. And it is important for us that we take and realize the mandate, or the assignment that we have, in order to do the work that God has called for us to do, especially here—in East Asia, upon this peninsula, and between Korea and Japan. We know we can go back to the annals of history of our countries, and we can see the wars that have taken place and the lives that have been taken because one wants to have peace while the other wants to have war or power.

This is where we are today, and peace is what we are desiring. My assignment has been as a military officer in the United States Navy, as well as a Christian pastor. This is what we want. We want peace. We know we have the armed forces, and the armed forces are armed because they have to be ready to fight physically.

But we have a greater battle in front of us. I have heard that a praying church is stronger than a full-fledged army. What we want to do is bring prayer into the Peninsula, so that we can take it and unify in prayer. He said, “Whatever we bound upon earth would be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose upon earth will be loosed in heaven.” Another way to say it is: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” We are believing that the heavenly kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, and it is a kingdom of peace and love, one towards another.

What we would like to do is to go into prayer and let our spirit-man, as it tells us in Jude 1:20, pray in the Holy Ghost to build our most holy faith. The Apostle Paul said it again in Ephesians 6:18, where he tells us, “Pray in the Holy Spirit for the perseverance of all saints.” It is so important that we all have a commonality and understanding of the spirit of God that dwells within us. Once we ignite the spirit of God that dwells in us, we can join in prayer and join hands, spiritually—from South Korea, Japan, the United States of America, and even North Korea—to find peace. Let us have peace among men so that we can throw away the bombs, weapons, and things of mass destruction that will cause murder and mayhem to countrymen.

We want to love one another. We want to show the love of God between one another. That is an assignment that Mother Moon is trying to accomplish. She wants peace. We would like to have peace, to work together around the globe. That is why it is called “of the world,” because we want to be worldwide with one mandate; that is, giving the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To take and learn to love like he loved us. The Bible tells us, “God so loved the world that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.” Eternal life, salvation—all of that comes by our knowledge of Christ. As we take this knowledge and advance it, we realize that Jesus Christ gave, prior to giving his life again for the remission of our sins, the commandment that you love one another as he so loved us. Since God had loved us as Jesus loved us, He sent us Jesus Christ to be our example, a perfect man. He now wants us to look at the life of Christ and promote that life of Christ within us to humankind.

The Gospel of John says, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.” John 1:14 then states, “the word became flesh and it dwelt among us; we beheld his glory.” For us to be able to behold the glory of God is to bring salvation to humankind. John 17:3 talks about eternal life, which lets you know the one true God in Jesus Christ in whom He has sent. He sent Christ, and Christ has power over the flesh. We can take by the power of the Holy Spirit, once we come to the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ. He brings us in unification and peace, and he reconciles us back to God to be whom we are to be in Him. Since salvation has been imparted within us, we can now spread the Gospel, the Good News that God is still alive and He wants us to love one another. Let us love one another. Let us show peace around the world. Let it be all over. I know it has already started with me. Everywhere I go, I try my best to tell everybody about the greatness of God, who died for the remission of our sins, who has given us peace, given us love, shown tender mercy and loving kindness, and done many great things in our lives. This is what we want to share with you. I want you to now pray with me that we will have peace among one another.

Father God, in the name of Jesus,

We thank you for all that you have done and are doing in our lives up until now. We know the state of the world, but we know, Lord God, that you are in control of all things. It is our desire that you take, Lord God, and use us to continue to promote peace among the nations. Use us to display peace within ourselves so that others will be able to see, and others will be able to understand and know that it is all about life, life that you have given us that we should give to one another through peace and love. So, help us, Lord God, in this endeavor. Help us now, Lord God, as we bind together and pray in the Holy Ghost. Let the power of the Holy Spirit now, Lord God, permeate from us, emit from us now, Lord God. And as we pray words that are coming up to heaven, loose it, Lord God. Loose peace! Loose mercy! Loose your love, Lord God, upon your people who are praying, Lord God! Let us spread your word. We love you. We thank you. Into your hands we commend our lives and our spirit. And we pray that you utilize us, Lord God, continually, to show your love, your peace and that you will always, God, be glorified and magnified with lives that you are allowing us to live. We thank you now. Glory to your name! In Jesus’ name, Amen, Amen and Amen.

God bless you, and God keep you.



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