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J. Aznar: Address to Summit 2022, Session III

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


Good afternoon. In this context of increasing geopolitical tensions in international relations, the work of an institution such as Universal Peace Federation and its efforts to build peace and dialogue among nations, especially to contribute to a dialogue on peace on the Korean Peninsula, is more necessary than ever.

We all agree that peace on the Korean Peninsula is of a great importance. We know that the situation on the Korean Peninsula is made complicated by the political competition among superpowers, not only during the 20th century’s Cold War but even today.

We must work toward building trust, mutual respect, reconciliation and cooperation.

My personal experience as a former prime minister of Spain has taught me that all instruments we can use to achieve dialogue and peace must be used.

Peace can be pursued not only through traditional Track I diplomacy, but also through a wide range of backchannel approaches to peace that may involve civil society, trade and commerce, humanitarian relief, interfaith dialogue, cultural exchange, tourism and so on.

Cooperation between civil societies is one of the keys to gaining popular support for future negotiations.

Anyway, everyone, the best of luck and fruitful work. Thank you for your attention.



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