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M. Pence: Address to Summit 2022, Session III

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


The Bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Today, I commend you all for coming together at this event to continue sowing the seeds of peace, knowing that in time we will reap a harvest of peace that will truly bless the nations of the world. 

I especially want to thank Dr. Moon for hosting this important event, and for faithfully continuing the significant work she began with her late husband. Thank you, Dr. Moon, for the shining example you have set for the world. 

During my four years as Vice President, at home and abroad, I have seen firsthand that truly great nations embrace the principles of freedom, beginning with religious liberty, freedom of speech, democracy and free enterprise. We know that strong families, education, equal treatment under the law and a recognition of the dignity and worth of every human life, born and unborn, is the foundation of true national greatness. 

These are the values that have united the people of Korea and the United States for nearly 70 years. They are the same values that my father, US Army Lieutenant Ed Pence—and freedom-loving Americans and Koreans just like him—fought to defend in the Korean War. They are the same values I worked to defend as Vice President. 

America was founded on the principle that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. And religious freedom is the first freedom enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.

I know I speak on behalf of millions of Americans when I say how proud we are to stand with people in Japan, the Republic of Korea, and across the region in defense of religious liberty. We believe that every human being must have the freedom to live, to work and to worship according to their own conscience. 

With one voice, we condemn the repression of Christians, Jews, Muslims and other religious minorities taking place at this very hour in China and North Korea. We pray for an end to the persecution, and we call on world leaders to work together to bring justice for all who are, at this very hour, being persecuted for their faith. 

It is this last belief—our belief in religious liberty—that gives me great confidence and hope. The Future Favors Faith. It is faith that gives us the courage and deep conviction to stand for what is good, right and true for people not only of our own nations, but for all people everywhere. 

As the Bible says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” I truly believe with all my heart that faith holds the hope for peace for all the people of the Korean Peninsula… and that if we have faith, the day will arrive when a great land once divided by war can become one nation, one people united in freedom and peace.



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