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T. Hamad: Address to Summit 2022, Session VIIc

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


Distinguished speakers, dear participants: Welcome to Korea.

On August 8, 2022, Zhang Jun, the president of the United Nations Security Council, convened a Security Council open debate on the theme “Peace and Security in Africa: Capacity-Building for Sustaining Peace.”

The president said: “To strengthen national institutions in Africa and enhance the capacity of governments, it is critical for governance systems to respond to the needs of all people, balance different interests, and follow a people-centered approach to deliver sustainable economic growth.”

Some say that Africa has drifted increasingly toward viewpoints that are materialistic and secular in nature, thus starting to lose sight of the profound wisdom to be found in Africa's spiritual heritage.

Throughout the ages, religions and spirituality have served as a guide to humanity, leading us from darkness to the light, establishing the foundations of morality, and providing a vision of the good society. The teachings and scriptures of the great religious traditions are humanity’s greatest treasures. These treasures must be mobilized for the prosperity of Africa. 

Religious and spiritual leaders are uniquely positioned to influence thinking, mobilize moral authority, and be role models for others to follow. Most especially, religious leaders can help raise awareness as well as give moral guidance. 

According to the UPF founders Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and her late husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, peace and prosperity can be fully accomplished only when the wisdom and efforts of the world’s religious leaders are combined cooperatively and respectfully with the endeavors of national political leaders.  

Spiritual and religious leaders are called now to connect with one another and work together as partners with the leaders of governments, civil society, and the private sector for the sake of building the shining Africa envisioned by our ancestors.

I trust that you can do that and become an example for the world to follow.

Thank you for listening.



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