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H. Moon: Address to Summit 2022, Session VIIc

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


Most respected and beloved religious leaders from all parts of the world, I welcome you all to Korea.

God, the Creator had a dream. He created all things in heaven and on earth. Lastly, He created a man and a woman who were to become the ancestors of humankind. God gave them a time period in their life in which they were to grow. In other words, He gave them freedom. He also gave them the commandment not to eat. Instead of perfecting their character, however, they fell. That is what led to the world of humanity today.

The omniscient and omnipotent Creator is the same at the beginning and the end. Consequently, in order for Him to realize His dream of the ideal of creation on earth, He had no alternative but to carry out His work for the providence of salvation, that is, the work of the providence of salvation through restoration and indemnity—even if He did not want to go such a path. Human beings, who lost their freedom, have been plagued by war, conflict and disease until today. They see no hope for the future, nor do they know how or when they can find that hope.

God, however, is alive and working. I have already said this to you religious leaders: all religions share one common hope. This is to become free from the fallen world and return to the original world God has dreamed of seeing. On this path, religions have gone through hardships and carried out God’s providence. Broadly speaking, four major religions have emerged.

I have also said, however, that all religions have reached their final destination. What that means is that humanity has no hope unless a perfected man and woman, who have substantially fulfilled the responsibility of our first ancestors that lost their freedom [through the Fall], appear as true parents through whom God can carry out His providence.

In 1960, the True Parents appeared, and they have been engaged in the work of God’s providence. They have carried out the true family movement worldwide, as well as the providence of rebirth and resurrection by which fallen people are born again through the grace of the Marriage Blessing. Their work been expanded worldwide during the ten years since True Father’s Holy Ascension, and now a global environment has been created in which we can attend God the Creator, our Heavenly Parent, on earth.

In other words, 6,000 years after the beginning of human history, we have been able to end Heaven’s long wait by concluding the 6,000-year history of the providence of restoration through indemnity. The Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum, through which the dream of God, the Creator and Heavenly Parent can be brought to fruition on earth, will be dedicated in May next year. For this, we cannot but offer our thanks and gratitude to Heaven.

In the Bible, there is a parable about a farmer. Field workers went to the farmer and asked whether they should weed out the many weeds in the fields. But the farmer said to them, let’s wait until harvest time. You should know that this point in time is that moment of harvest. Your hard work and devotion will be harvested as healthy grains fit for Heaven’s granary—eternally unchanging over the generations to come.

I hope and pray that you will become blessed Cheonbo families and true families who can fulfill your responsibility as central figures in realizing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, so that our Heavenly Parent, True Parents and all of humankind can live together on earth as one peaceful family. You are the ones who will bring that hope to all people.

During the past 6,000 years, through our ignorance, what have we human beings done to this beautiful Earth that the Creator made? What should we do about this? Please join me in carrying out the work needed to restore this world to its original pristine state at the time of creation so that our descendants in the future won’t have to worry but will have hope. Let’s accomplish this with our own hands.



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