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N. Gingrich: Address to Peace Summit 2023, Opening Plenary

Address to Peace Summit 2023
May 2-5, 2023


I commend Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon for the leadership she is providing giving the world hope for peace. I am happy to be here with you for Peace Summit 2023.

Congratulations to her on her birthday celebration this week and for the launch of the Cheon Won Gung. We are here this week to join her in the christening of this special sanctuary dedicated to God in which all faiths, races, peoples and nations are welcomed. A place where God, religious freedom and love for all humanity will be promoted.

We also want to commend her and her late husband for founding The Washington Times and the Universal Peace Federation. This together with sister newspapers in Korea and Japan are a tremendous force for good.

I would like to recognize some of the projects that she initiated in various regions of the world. In Africa the African Summit for Peace is gaining support throughout the nations of Africa, from the Heads of State to the Parliaments to the Tribal Chiefs. The Asia Pacific Union, which is different from the EU in that its founding principle is that God is central to peace and cooperation, will lead to economic prosperity with partnerships among nations to develop the Mekong area. Also, since 1991 when they met Kim Il Sung, Mother and Father Moon have made continuous efforts to engage North Korea in a positive way toward peace and cooperation. Chairman Kim sending flowers for the memorial service of Rev. Moon’s passing last year and on each year before shows there is an ongoing positive communication.

The situation of the DPRK with missile launches and nuclear weapons, and China’s strong desire for dominance are very dangerous not only for NE Asia but for the whole world. America must remain strong militarily. However, we also must be strong in faith and moral family values. That’s one reason why Amb. Callista and I deeply appreciate Mother Moon. We support her emphasis that without God and religious freedom for all there is no possibility of a just and prosperous nation. We do believe that the Peaceful Reunification of North and South Korea is not only possible but will eventually occur if we stand strong together for the benefit of all nations—including our adversaries.

President Yoon Suk Yeol addressed the US Congress on the 70th Anniversary of the end of the Korean War. I have a personal interest in this 70th anniversary, because 70 years ago my father was fighting in Korea during the last year of the war, which began when the North Korean communist dictatorship invaded the South in June, 1950. It was extended by the massive intervention of the Chinese Communists in the fall of that year. My family has had a long and deep commitment to the security of South Korea and the maintenance of peace on the peninsula.

What is happening here at this conference is critically important to bringing cooperation among all nations, even enemies. South Korea was devastated and was ranked as one of the poorest countries on earth. However, we witnessed the miracle of Korea coming from the ashes to be one of the leading economies and societies of the world.

We saw the same miracle in Japan after World War II. The U.S. and Japan were fierce enemies but they cooperated based on fundamental principles of a democratic republic with the promotion of religious freedom. Japan has prospered and developed enormously and has become a great ally to America. Now President Yoon is joining America by asking Japan and Korea to cooperate with America and other free nations to build a better world, laying aside the pain of the past.

We see some challenges to religious freedom in Japan, specifically against the efforts of the Unification Church. Through our research we found that the source of such challenges were, not surprisingly, that it originated from the Japanese Communist Party. Therefore we know that we must stand strong against such forces and strongly call on the leaders of Japan to uphold religious freedom.

We believe what we are doing will help shape history in the direction of freedom for all nations and all peoples. Again we congratulate you, Mother Moon, and all assembled here for fearlessly going forward to bring the world into peace and prosperity based on strong families and respect for all.



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