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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina Introduces Peace Road 2023 at Ambassadors for Peace Monthly Meeting

Argentina-2023-06-14-UPF-Argentina Introduces Peace Road 2023 at Ambassadors for Peace Monthly Meeting


Buenos Aires, Argentina—At the Ambassadors for Peace monthly meeting, held virtually on June 14, an introduction to Peace Road 2023 was presented (1).

On the occasion, Miguel Werner, UPF-Argentina president, shared a PowerPoint with some aspects Peace Road Argentina has acquired since 2020, with initiatives in each of the 23 provinces (2). Ambassador for Peace Christian Oreb, general coordinator of civil society organization “Red Cooperar,” explained the role of the Provincial Institutional Representative: a civil society manager or member who coordinates activities in each province, along with other entities, the cooperation of the public sector and the support of the private sector, in order to achieve more engagement in each province (3).

We also introduced those postulated as provincial institutional representatives and members of the Peace Road 2023 Monitoring Team: Marisa Piva (Northwest Region), collaborator at Red Cooperar; Erika Alcaráz (Northwest Region), YSP-Argentina secretary and UPF-Argentina staff; Andrea Fernández Bevans (Center Region), SUD CABA communications director and collaborator at Acercando Naciones; Ailén Marquesano (Patagonia Region), YSP-Argentina registration department and UPF-Argentina staff; and journalist Luba Opeka (Buenos Aires Region) and artist Luciana Zambrano, UPF-Argentina and Peace Road public relations (4).

At the end, a call to join Peace Road 2023 Argentina was made by Prof. Julio Nardini, representative of Ambassadors for Peace in Argentina and member of the UPF-Argentina Peace Council; and Rosetta Conti, president of WFWP-Argentina and member of the UPF-Argentina governing board.

The meeting was moderated by journalist Luba Opeka together with Emanuel Sayavedra, UPF-Argentina secretary general and YSP-Argentina president. To start, we showed the video “Peace Road – March of Hope for World Peace,” which gave some context on this world peace campaign, which has the objectives to unify Korea and build an international highway that connects all peoples and regions in the planet (5).

During the meeting, we also showed a promotional video on the development of Peace Road Argentina since 2015, which ends with an invitation to join the 2023 edition by the famous Argentinian cook and TV host Maru Botana (6). We also showed a surprise music video commemorating the end of Peace Road 2022: “Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón” (7).


1) Recording of the monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting 14-6-2023:

2) Slideshow on Peace Road 2023 Argentina:

3) Peace Road 2023 Argentina guidebook:

4) Photos of the introduction of Representatives and Team:

5) Peace Road – March of Hope for World Peace:

6) Introduction to Peace Road 2023 Argentina:

7) Music video commemorating the end of Peace Road 2022: “Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón”:

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