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Ambassadors for Peace

Peace Road Highlighted at UPF-Argentina's Monthly Meeting

Argentina-2023-07-12-Peace Road Theme at Monthly UPF-Argentina Meeting


Buenos Aires, Argentina—On July 12, 2023, Peace Road Argentina’s Provincial Institutional Representatives were introduced during the monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting. On this occasion, Dr. Simão Ferabolli, new president of UPF-South America, gave a few words of greeting (1).

“As you know, the Peace Road vision was one of the dreams of UPF Founders, Rev. Moon and his wife, launched at the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in 1981. It was a plan to build an international peace highway that connected the entire globe, imagining a world with no borders, a world with common ideals and bringing development and happiness to all human beings, as one family under God,” Dr. Ferabolli explained. “UPF’s vision promotes interdependence, mutual prosperity and shared universal values, which can and should be applied to politics, economy and culture, as a way to establish an integral, active society which looks for effective solutions to our current issues.” He concluded by saying, “We need more effort and more passion to achieve a leadership of values and good practices, to help others, creating a path of hope and peace. I believe we can achieve this together!”

The virtual meeting, with more than 50 participants, was attended by most of the institutional representatives charged with developing activities during 2023 for the Peace Road in the 23 provinces, Buenos Aires City and the Antarctica: solidary, ecological, educational, artistic, sportive, interreligious or intercultural, touristic and productive actions. “Institutional Representative” refers to the concept of a collaborative creation of peace (2).

The involved entities are related to various civil society organizations which are in contact with different issues and seek to address the countless social issues through educational, solidary or ecological projects, involving Ambassadors for Peace from all regions: Northeast, Northwest, Center, Patagonia and Buenos Aires. The public sector, the protagonist, provides the necessary infrastructure for the development of Peace Road activities, and the private sector contributes their support to the different projects and proposals for common good.

Neuquén province will initiate this year’s activities, which will be extended to October, with the World Writers, Poets and Artists Confederation (CONLEAM) – Neuquén, whose Provincial Institutional Representative is Ambassador for Peace Carina Ianni, Centenario resident. For July 29, she organized the “Peace Roads” Art Festival at Plottier City’s Culture House. Ms. Ianni explained that this cultural proposal “seeks to raise awareness of the importance of the collective building of peace through the universal language of art, environmental protection, non-violence, multicultural union…”

After the introduction of the Provincial Institutional Representatives, upcoming activities were announced, introduced by the moderators: Luba Opeka, public relations for UPF-Argentina and Peace Road; and Emanuel Sayavedra, UPF-Argentina secretary general and YSP-Argentina president. Also presented was a flyer on our monthly activities: July 17, a presentation by Ambassador for Peace Carlos Tryskier on “What is Mental Health?”; July 22, 1st International Angola-Argentina Forum “For a Peace Culture,” proposed by Ambassador for Peace Aníbal Gotelli, CIDEC-Argentina president, and IAPP/IAPD-UPF-Argentina/Angola; and July 27, Discussion with writer Osvaldo Rossi, for the IAACP/UPF-Argentina Poetry 2023 Series, coordinated by Ambassador for Peace Prof. Bertha Bilbao Richter.

At the conclusion, we voted on the Peace Road 2023 Argentina theme. First, we presented the suggestions from the meeting held in June: “Argentina Chooses Peace” and “A Beacon of Hope” (3). After explaining the procedure, participants voted electronically, and by a large majority (75%, 28 votes vs. 12) the option “Argentina Chooses Peace” was chosen. This has a significant meaning in the current global and local context of conflicts, considering our country faces presidential, provincial and legislative elections this year.

At the start of the event, we showed a video of Peace Road 2022 Russia which was held on June 12-26, 2022, with the theme: “Children Against Drugs — I Choose Sport!” There, 50 athletes from 11 Russian regions ran in different locations, a total of 6000 Km, unifying different areas. The maximum distance run by the participants was from 350 to 450 Km by the trainers. The purpose of the super marathon was not only to run, but to also raise awareness and promote a healthy life (4).

At the end, we shared a second promotional video on Peace Road 2023 Argentina, featuring the renowned TV host and chef Maru Botana; journalist Luba Opeka; winner of the 2023 Martín Fierro Awards Gustavo Tubio; and members of the Héroe lyrical pop group: Federico Picone, Alejandro Falcone and Sebastián Russo (5). Also, Miguel Werner, UPF-Argentina president, thanked and congratulated the new Provincial Institutional Representatives and encouraged everyone to join the Peace Road 2023: “Argentina Chooses Peace.”


1) Recording of the Ambassadors for Peace meeting 7-12-2023:


2) Peace Road 2023 Guidebook:

3) Ambassadors for Peace meeting 6-14-2023:

4) Video review on Peace Road 2023 Russia:

5) Promotional video 2 on Peace Road Argentina 7-12-2023:

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