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Africa Day

Africa Day Commemorated in Nakomkope, Ghana

Nakomkope, Ghana - The UPF Secretary General and a staff member headed to Nakomkope community in Sege Constituency for an Africa Day Youth Rally on May 25. The youth had cleaned up some historic places in the community during the early morning and reassembled at noon for a community rally in honor of Africa Day.

The program commenced at exactly 12:00 noon. The Assembly member of the area, Hon. Dameh Azator, who was the host of the event, welcomed everyone and introduced the opinion leaders and some key persons in the community. He explained to the gathering the presence and role of UPF in the Constituency, the workshops it has offered, and the impact it has made so far on the youth. He reported that 18 youth have already been trained by the UPF and many more are on the list. Hon. Azator used the opportunity to warn the communities that “We cannot sound the drum of peace in our communities, unless we first change our mindset, since conflicts, wars, and disputes do not augur well with development.”

In her remarks, UPF Secretary General Mrs. Helen M. Osei pointed out that the UPF’s intervention in the Constituency goes beyond distributing money to the communities. “We want to identify youth with skills and help train them to realize their potentials and life dreams. In this way, they will become assets to their various communities and the nation at large,” she said.

Rev. Itia Tegha spoke to the gathering about how the African Union came to exist. He recalled several great men and women who pioneered the paths to peace and freedom such as the late Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, former President Nelson Mandela of South Africa, and Mother Theresa, to mention but a few. Rev. Tegha cited example of wars and conflicts in Darfur and elsewhere which arose because of one person, leading to so much suffering and degradation. He said that God had raised up Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon to lead the world out of suffering into the ideal world of peace. He urged the youth in the area to take the training programs very seriously if they want to accomplish their goals and experience a bright future. In response, the youth sang for the audience.

The program was brought to a close with certificates of Ambassador for Peace being presented to two outstanding local leaders, Madam Eva Angmler, a businesswoman, and Mr. Alfred Tanihu, an opinion leader.

The communities thanked UPF for choosing their constituency for the youth development programs and pledged their ongoing cooperation.

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