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Africa Day

Moscow Celebrates Africa Day

Moscow, Russia - The First Youth Festival of National Cultures, organized by the Moscow State Construction University and the Moscow State University of Culture and Art, took place in the Educational Center #1470 in Moscow on May 26, under the slogan “We support the culture of goodness and the policy of unity and harmony.” The timing of the festival was linked to Africa Day, May 25. Among the participants were students of ten Moscow universities. There were also guests of honor and a jury, including representatives of the embassies of African countries, district councils and universities, culture and art specialists, and public figures in the sphere of international relations.

The Universal Peace Federation was represented by Vladimir Afanasyevich Frolov, an actor, former politician, and Ambassador for Peace. He spoke welcoming words emphasizing Africa Day and the urgency for the world community to participate in solving the problems of underdeveloped countries. After his speech, he handed diplomas of Ambassadors for Peace to Olga Guseva, head of the the international education department of the Moscow Construction University; and Elena Soom, head of the Interclub “Planet MSCU.”

In addition, Ambassador for Peace certificates were presented to 17 students of Moscow Construction University, Moscow University of Music and Arts, and Moscow State Law Academy who showed good results in the sphere of international relations and promoting the ideas of tolerance and a culture of peace in the students’ milieu.

The group of African students from Moscow Construction University won special attention; they have been participating in the activity of the Interclub and the theater “Tolerance” the past three years, and included more than 50 students of different nations and races. Because many of them will soon return to their native countries, the First Festival of National Cultures was held in their honor.

At the Festival, students presented to the jury and spectators their short programs about their national cultures. In a 15-minute video they were to tell about their cultures, show folk dances, songs. and the national costume. This time, among the participants there were representatives from Dagestan, Yakutia, Colombia, Africa, China, and Adygei. All performances were unusual and bright. The girls from Dagestan won the hearts of the audience by their national dance; the Yakuts by their playing the homus (national musical instrument) and guttural singing; the Colombians by their Latin American dances; the Africans by their native costumes and dances; and the Chinese by demonstrating traditional aesthetics and beauty. The team from Adygei was the favorite; it demonstrated national colors, unity, and a sense of humor. As the result, Adygei gained a lead; Africans were the second, and students from Colombia and China shared the third place.

This festival was the first such festival, we hope that the Second Youth Festival that will take place in October will attract even more participants, because the issues of intercultural dialogues, xenophobia, and preserving national identity are urgent problems now, especially in such a multi-national megalopolis as Moscow.


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