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Africa Day

UPF Chapters Observe Africa Day 2014

In Australia, Benin, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Switzerland, UK and US, UPF organized conferences, forums and gala events on Africa Day, May 25, 2014, the annual commemoration of the 1963 founding of the Organization of African Unity, presently recognized as the Africa Union.

Africa Day 2014 events from Universal Peace Federation International

The African Union, comprised of 53 member states, has brought together the continent of Africa to collectively address the challenges it has faced, such as armed conflict, climate change, and poverty. The African Union chose as the theme for 2014 "The Year of Agriculture and Food Security."

"The world must do more to unleash Africa's full potential in agriculture," UN Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon stated in his message for 2014, while also urging the continent's leaders and development partners to combat growing social and economic inequalities. “Greater equity presents a common challenge to the continent as a whole and can help foster peace and stability,” he said.

"Transformation, growth, dynamism, progress and partnership: these concepts are central to the African Union’s narrative as it embarks on the second half of its first centennial. I am confident that the AU’s vision, 'Agenda 2063,' can succeed. Agriculture and food security – the theme of this year’s Africa Day – will be critical. More countries are investing in agriculture, while donors have pledged to increase funding and technical assistance. I am especially alarmed by the high risk of famine in South Sudan, where the lack of a genuine cessation of hostilities may cause farmers to miss the planting season."



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