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Honoring a Legacy of Peace in Honiara

Solomon Islands-2010-06-24-Honoring a Legacy of Peace in Honiara

Honiara, Solomon Islands - About 70 people participated in a Legacy of Peace ceremony honoring international and national people who inspire people to work for peace. As in other nations, the event followed the pattern established at the United Nations in New York.

The Legacy of Peace Program in Solomon Islands was held in the evening of June 24 at the Quality Inn Hotel in Honiara. Among about 70 participants were families of the honorees, Ambassadors for Peace, a journalist, a diplomat, representatives from National Archives Division in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and students.

The program started with an opening prayer by Rev. John Galokaniki, President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification-Solomon Islands who also served as MC for the program. The Legacy of Peace Ceremony was preceded by two PowerPoint presentations, “Overview of the Development of the Legacy of Peace” and the “Significance of the Ascension Ceremony” presented by Mr. Rex Masuaku (Secretary General of UPF-Solomon Islands) and Mr. Joachim Kuman (UPF representative) respectively. These presentations helped the audience understand that life after death is a natural process in the stages of life. We prepare to live in the love of God eternally by leading a life for the sake of others while we are on the earth. Thus, the moment of our death should be a time of celebration as we embark on a new life with joy and happiness.

After a short video clip on the Legacy of Peace program held in US, our ceremony honored the following people:

International figures:

  1. General Alexander Haig, US Secretary of State (1981-1982)
  2. H.E. Kim Dae Jung, President of Korea (1998-2003)
  3. H.E. Abdurrahman Wahid, President of Indonesia (1999-2001)
  4. Mr. Hédi Annabi, Chief of the United Nations Stabilizing Mission to Haiti and UN Haiti staff who were killed in the Haiti earthquake

  5. Solomon Islands figures:
  1. Hon. Solomon Mamaloni, three times Prime Minister (1981-1984, 1989-1993, 1994-1997)
  2. Hon. Bartholomew Ulufa’alu, Prime Minister (1997-2000)
  3. Hon. Edward Huniehu, Minister for Energy, Mines and Rural Electrification, Ambassador for Peace
  4. Mr. Johnson Alabae, Chief Education Officer, Honiara City Council Education Authority, Ambassador for Peace
  5. Mr. Dudley Paineitala, Peace Negotiator of Malaita MASINA forum, Elder pastor of the Kingdom Harvest Church, Ambassador for Peace

    For the Solomon Islands figures, a family member of each honoree laid a bouquet of flowers in front of the picture. All of the families expressed their appreciation for this program, since they never received such a public recognition for their deceased relative. The beautifully framed photo became a special gift for them, as some of them did not have such a photo. On behalf of all the honorees’ families, Mrs. Helen Huniehu, wife of late Hon. Edward Huniehu, expressed appreciation for the ceremony.

    Following the Legacy of Peace ceremony, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of UPF, was introduced by Mrs. Alice Hou, President of the Women’s Federation for World Peace-Solomon Islands, before Chihiro Midorikawa, President of UPF-Solomon Islands, read Dr. Moon’s special message urging people to work together to establish God’s Kingdom.

    The program concluded with three cheers led by the MC in an uplifted and joyful spirit.