
Click here to learn more about the Think Tank 2022 and UPF's effort in the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Think Tank 2022


October 2024
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Colors of Peace Festival in Western Canada

Richmond, Canada - On the evening of August 28, the Western Canada Chapter of UPF hosted the Colors of Peace Festival with the theme, “The Family is the School of Love and Foundation for Peace." Over 3,000 participated during the course of the three-hour evening program which began with an introduction to UPF principles by Mr. Alan Wilding, District Director for Western Canada. This was followed by a further elaboration of the theme by John Nattrass of the Canadian Clergy Leadership Conference and Mrs. Yukie McHale, Director of the Women’s Federation for World Peace for Western Canada, and Ambassador for Peace Pastor Don Tecson.

A beautiful chocolate mousse cake was donated for the event by Anna’s Bakery and ceremoniously cut by distinguished guests in attendance to kick off the event. The cake was then distributed to the audience to great appreciation. Volunteers also passed out over 100 copies of the UPF Founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen. In addition a gift-card giveaway added more excitement and interest from the crowd. Over $400 in gift cards were given out centered around the family theme. For example: longest married couple, youngest married couple, three generations living together in one home, and international couple.

The audience was also entertained by various video presentations of the Little Angels World Tour 2010 and the video of the October 2009 International Marriage Blessing projected onto a large screen. Guitarist Peter Paulus and African drummer Yoro gave crowd pleasing-presentations. A big hit of the evening was the doughnut eating contest between five teenage girls and male sponsors picked from the audience. A gift card was also given out to the winners.

The evening combined a fun-loving family event with the UPF message of the importance of family as the cornerstone of peace. Our deep appreciation goes to Mr. Paul Cheong, CEO of Lions Communications and Operator of the Richmond Summer Night Market, his wonderful sister Liza, Annie Wong, Florence, David Lo, and all the wonderful staff at the market.

For photos of the event, click here.