Oslo, Norway - The month of May was an extraordinary month for UPF-Norway. It was such an honor and blessing for a nation in the periphery of Europe to host a European Leadership Conference, a UPF Founders' Tour event, and the Little Angels Korean folk ballet.

The day before the arrival of the Little Angels, the weather was stormy and some of us wondered if a wreath laying ceremony or outdoor welcoming of Little Angles could take place.

However the arrival was great and the weather was on our side, and remained so during their stay. To finally see the two buses roll up in front of the hotel with all the girls waving through the windows was a relief after a long waiting.

A series of ceremonies and visits had been prepared, building up to the main performance. The next morning we laid a wreath at the UN Memorial at Akershus Fortress in Oslo. Three Norwegians who died during service in Korea were honored. The Mayor of Oslo welcomed us and gave each of the Little Angels a small gift from Oslo. The Norwegian songs, prepared and performed by the Angels, touched the hearts of the all the veterans; their president had to wipe his tears several times. The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces in Norway and the Commander of the fortress. A quartet from the the Royal Guard’s Music Band played a prelude and taps.

Shortly after this ceremony a selected number paid a courtesy visit to the Presidium in the Parliament. The Vice-President of the Parliament together with a handful of others from the administration welcomed the group to Norway and the Norwegian Parliament. Their performance again created a wave of surprise and excitement when typical Norwegian folk songs were sung. The journalist of the House made a nice report that was put on the homepage of the Parliament for every MP to see.

The final program of the day was sightseeing. We went to the town hall of Oslo, where the Nobel Peace Prize is delivered, as well as to the Shipping Museum and a Viking ship.

The day's schedule included a trip to the Royal Palace. The King and the Queen of Norway arrived at 12:10 sharp in the main ballroom. Dr. Bo Hi Pak, Chairman of the Korean Cultural Foundation, gave his speech and conveyed his thanks. The children gave the Little Angels Hero’s Medal and gift to the King and Queen, who received the gift with majestic humility, and charmingly bowed down to greet these small children.  Again the songs made a deep impression. On the way out, the King and Queen greeted each one; the Queen remarked about the beauty of the program.

The evening’s program was a reception in the Korean Ambassador’s residence. A most beautiful table was prepared by the Embassy Staff. The reception was particularly for the Little Angels, the Veterans and the Board of the Norway-Korea Friendship Association. The President of the Korean veterans gave a model of a Viking ship as a gift to the Little Angels. He spoke passionately about the courage and pioneering spirit of the Vikings, to the degree  that it made the term “Viking spirit”  a theme for the rest of the stay.

On Saturday morning there was a wreath laying ceremony at the Memorial of the first UN Secretary-General, Trygve Lie. He was the man behind the UN resolution that made the international mobilization of UN forces to Korea possible. Against superpowers and at the risk of his career Secretary-General Lie pushed the resolution into reality. His grandson and great-grandson attended the ceremony, which meant a lot to them.

After this ceremony, inspired by the passionate talk about the Vikings on the day before, Dr. Pak decided to go back to the Viking Ship Museum for a proper group photo. After a discussion with the museum staff, we got free access on the promise that we would sing for them. The hall had wonderful acoustic and the other guests flocked to take photos. One guest asked, “Am I allowed to take a photo? I am a teacher from America” I suppose she was struck by the order and discipline and perfection she saw in these young children.

Dwelling in the spirit of Vikings, pioneering and ships, we went to another ship called “Fram” (means forward) that was used to conquer Antarctica, the Northwest Passage, and Greenland. Hearing the story of the boat, and seeing it inside and out, strengthened the Dr. Pak’s concept that with the spirit behind these expeditions we can achieve all the high goals which we are aiming for.

Sunday was the day for the main event. A lot of preparations had to be made. Even though it was a lot of work to rig up all the equipment on stage, the light technician was impressed by our stage crew who worked together in a very smooth and harmonious way.

The Oslo Concert Hall holds 1400 people and was basically full. Korean War veterans were there with their families and the grandson of the first UN Secretary-General, together with his entire family. There were representatives from 30 embassies, from the Norwegian Parliament, the Presidium, the Government as well as leaders from Korean companies and leaders from various sectors.

In addition to greetings from Dr. Bo Hi Pak and the Korean Ambassador, a video-greeting from Norway's Minister of Foreign Affairs was shown. The public’s enthusiasm increased throughout the program and probably reached its height by the final songs which crowned the performance. Several standing ovations were given.

The veterans were melted by the gratitude, love, and beauty they received from the Little Angels; they had an experience that will last for a lifetime and beyond.

Comments after the performance:

It was a lovely event. Beautifully performed with gratitude and love. Thank you for letting me be part of something bigger with you.
Pamela Hiley

Thank you for the great experience to see The Little Angels – a beautiful and spectacular performance of Korean culture, with a precision that was a delight to see and the final song that crowned the performance. I am most grateful for this opportunity to show my husband’s children and grandchildren a part of the Korea, that always was such large part of his heart, and that he after his service never forgot. All 12 of us enjoyed the performance; maybe what gave me most joy was to see how our six grandchildren were fascinated by the Little Angels and even wanted to see more.
Dagny Otterlei, wife of x-ray photographer in NORMASH: Odd Otterlei

It was great to be part of this. The heart is just melting, facing such charming, disciplined and smiling children who give us a breathtaking performance. With the presentation about the Korean War first and the performance thereafter, it became a great evening.
I know no country that is doing more thanking for the help for freedom and democracy than Korea, traveling around with all that equipment to thank the 21 nations that supported them during the war.
Tor Imislund, Korean War veteran

On behalf of my wife and myself I must thank you for a memorable evening well carried out. The arrangement went seamlessly and the "Angels" was an experience we will not easily forget. And the wreath laying ceremony at my grandfather’s memorial monument was a great honor for me and my family. Be kind to pass on our thanks and our appreciation to the Koreans, and especially to the "Angels" who never grow old!
Ragnvald Bratz, grandson of the first UN Secretary-General, Trygve Lie

Thank you very much for a fantastic evening. The audience’s response, with great enthusiasm, speaks for itself. I was very impressed that so many different elements were presented on the same stage. I am deeply grateful for the unforgettable evening you provided me. Everything is so beautiful, and the heart is moved - where words are inadequate. I thank you also for promoting "the good" and "the beautiful". You are marvelous and deserves big flower bouquets!
Magdalena Kwak Nyberg

It was a fantastic fine evening. We enjoyed ourselves tremendously. Thank you very much.
Dikka Mathiesen Støre

It was an unbelievable beautiful performance that we are so happy that we could take part in. It was an unforgettable experience.
Bente Persdatter

I have seen the Little Angels for the third time, it is such a wonderful performance and I cannot praise them enough. The beautiful Korean dolls dances, plays and songs, through one fantastic part after the other. I got associations to butterflies, rainbow, flowers, childhood and joy. The colors are wonderful, the harmony, the synchronization, the perfection, everything in sum a joyful experience that touches everybody. And that is the good thing, it touches the heart – we need hearts that are touched.
Barbro Hegland