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International Women’s Day Celebrated in Argentina

Argentina-2017-03-16-International Women’s Day Celebrated in Argentina


Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF and the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in Argentina celebrated UN International Women’s Day by honoring six women who are making a difference in the lives of others.  The event took place on March 16, 2017 in Alhambra Hall in Club Español in Buenos Aires.

The event began with welcoming remarks, which were given by the emcee, Prof. Gloria Miranda de Dantas. Afterwards, Ambassador for Peace Mr. Luis Emilio Acuña read an excerpt from the UN Secretary-General’s message for the Day, whose theme for this year is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 in 2030.”

Speeches were delivered by Mr. Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina, and Mrs. Rosetta Conti de Castellón, president of WFWP-Argentina. Mrs. de Castellón also read excerpts from speeches by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, founder of UPF and WFWP.

The awards ceremony honored six women: Mrs. Silvia Martinic; Mrs. Patricia Karina Pitaluga; Mrs. Gabriela Pozzi; Mrs. Sandra Fabiana Valla; Mrs. Silvia Gabriela Vázquez; and Mrs. Emilia De Luca (1), whose award was received by Mrs. Alba Rosa Contardo. Each received a framed award certificate; a copy of the autobiography of UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen;” and the anthology, “La paz como cuidado de la Creación” (“Peace as the Protection of the Creation”), which contains the winning poems of the 8th International Poetry Contest, organized by UPF-Argentina.

Mr. Carlos Varga, director of UPF-Argentina, gave the toast, in which he reaffirmed the role of women. He also expressed gratitude to his grandmother, mother, wife and five daughters. “The time has come for the power of love to lead these years and this era. For this, we must give women a place,” he said at the end of his message.

The program also included musical performances. The group El Triunfo from Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, directed by Prof. Silvia Olguín, performed dances. Prof. Olguín not only shares her knowledge with her students, but also her social sensitivity and deep love for public service. She provides opportunities for children and teenagers from vulnerable backgrounds to develop their skills.

Singer Gabriela Pozzi, who was one of the honorees, sang “Celebra la vida” and “Gracias a la vida.” Afterwards, poet Alba Rosa Contardo, pastor of the World Summit of Miracles Ministry and a member of UPF-Argentina’s Peace Council and UPF International’s Global Peace Council, read the poem “Mujeres buscando la paz,” (2) which she wrote especially for this celebration.

Among the guests were representatives of different civil society organizations, as well as religious leaders. In addition, UPF received messages for the special occasion from the World Union of Writers for Culture, Ecology, and Peace (UMECEP); the Argentinian School of Yoga and Ayurveda; and the Mundo Integrado Foundation, which works for peace through service.



(1) Honorees:

Emilia De Luca: “For her service as a pastor, teacher and mother; for building an exemplary family; for sharing her wisdom on the Word in her ministry, and also through radio and television; and for her educational and community initiatives. In Gualeguaychú (in Entre Ríos province), she set up a lunchroom for children in need which has since become a primary school and high school.”

Silvia Martinic: “For her volunteer work helping those in need—from providing support in psychiatric hospitals in Buenos Aires, to donating basic resources to the native peoples of Chaco and Formosa provinces. She is also the president of the NGO Proyectos Solidarios (Solidary Projects), where she works with a group of people who are inspired by her belief in people’s goodness.”

Patricia Karina Pitaluga: “For the work she does as the director of Acercando Naciones (Bringing Nations Together) and for applying her experience in communications to promote mutual understanding, solidarity and trust between the public and private sectors.”

Gabriela Pozzi: “For transmitting the joy of life through different musical performances and through her melodic voice; for overcoming very difficult challenges through faith; and for transforming suffering into positive energy that is conveyed in the songs she sings, showing everyone her love for life.”

Sandra Fabiana Valla: “For her extensive experience organizing human resources for research, technological development and creating art; for teaching her students to not only be good professionals, but to also serve the common good with their skills; and for her commitment to serve those in need. She is a teacher at the National University of Technology (Tucumán province).”

Silvia Gabriela Vázquez: “For the work she does as the director of the interdisciplinary degree program in social responsibility at the Universidad de la Marina Mercante (UdeMM). For supporting and participating in various initiatives that promote the common good. For her work as a teacher and writer, whose poems and other writings on peace have been published in the Americas and in Europe.”

Quote from one of the many messages that were sent to UPF-Argentina for this occasion:

“We can give birth to a new humanity, a more benevolent and luminous humanity. However, this dream will only come true if we nurture the divine spark of a loving embrace that comes through the family, and if we expand our minds and hearts by embracing the community and becoming a universal family.”

“Yes, women have to keep moving forward… When we synchronize our steps with those of men, centered on love, and fully develop our enormous creative potential, we will illuminate the world.”

Poet and teacher María Irene Giurlani, UPF-Argentina Ambassador for Peace 

(2) Poem

Mujeres buscando la paz

Un pétalo de rosa
Cayó sobre mi almohada
No quería moverme
Para que no escapara
Era un sueño dormido
Que me encendía el alma
Pensando en las mujeres
Que la paz esperaban
El año es diferente
Es un año de escalas
De superar riesgos
De tocar la montaña
Un año de renuevo
De caminar descalzas
De la gran libertad
Así, como Dios, manda
Victoriosas activas
Mujeres con agallas
Cada una en su puesto
Librando mil batallas
Mujeres de valor
De carácter y audacia
Mujeres que sembraron
La tierra con sus lágrimas
Mujeres con Amor
Que es la mejor arma
Logrando armonía
Con cantos de esperanza
Mujeres con historia
Con metas alcanzadas
Con grandes desafíos
Y tormentas del alma
Madres, esposas, hijas
Con coronas doradas
Unidas en la lucha
Por la Paz, alcanzarla
Con el perfecto Amor
Restaurando las almas
Recibiendo el tesoro
De la Paz, tan amada
Estamos de pie, unidas
Fronteras derribadas
En victoria, celebrando
Con la Paz, en nuestras almas.

Alba Contardo

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