CentralAfricanRepublic-2017-07-21-Central African Republic: Conference on Education for Peace


Bangui, Central African Republic—In search for a sustainable peace in the Central African Republic, UPF-CAR, in collaboration with two NGOs, ORSODED (Social Organization for Sustainable Development) and IOM (International Organization for Migration), held a peace education conference on July 21, 2017 in the theater of the Youth House in the 8th District of Bangui, the nation’s capital and largest city.

Attending the conference were more than 50 community leaders and activists, including Ms. ZAYBE Zita, president of the Social Organization for Sustainable Development (ORSODED). Against the background of continuing military-political confrontations between Muslims and Christians, and with a goal to sensitize and educate the population about the meaning of peace and social cohesion, UPF-CAR taught and led discussions on the UPF principles of peace and global citizenship.


- UPF's Five Principles of Peace
- The Importance of Character Education


The participants expressed their appreciation for the content of the seminar. One young boy said he felt the experience will allow people to change their behavior and thus “transform the tarnished face of the young people of the 8th District.” A mother asked for the floor to say that in her opinion the teachings were very age-appropriate. Another participant suggested that UPF-CAR should teach these themes in the nation’s school system. If this could be done now, he believes, then after five or ten years the country would see many positive outcomes.

Ms. Mayemasson Julie Doriane, community mobilizer of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) declared her desire to continue working with the UPF for future activities of this kind.

Staff included

  • Noel SALOGBA, national leader and secretary general, UPF-CAR
  • Jean Paul GEREKOMBWANGA, assistant to the national leader
  • Pastor Jean Louis KAMANGO, director of testimony and education
  • Steve MOKALO, secretary general, FFWPU-Central African Republic

Caps and T-shirts were distributed to the participants followed by refreshments offered by the NGO ORSODED.