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Think Tank 2022


October 2024
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An Interreligious Initiative Facing the Pandemic


Dear friends,

In March, while many nations have entered general confinement, UPF-France launched the "Interreligious Minute" to help cope with the coronavirus pandemic.

The French Prime Minister having recently declared: “The first 15 days of April will be more difficult than those which have just passed; we are doubling the number of positive cases every 3 or 4 days", we suggest that we continue and intensify this initiative together in April.

We receive with great interest invitations from different religions to pray for the present situation. Our interreligious initiative is also inspired by the historic Movement of the Minute of Silence started in Great Britain in 1940.

Therefore, we propose you to offer, in unity of heart with friends of all religions, at least one minute of prayer or meditation (each according to their tradition) at 9 p.m. each day so that the pandemic can be quickly overcome. 
(If unavailable at that time, please participate in the schedule that suits you. It's always 9 p.m. somewhere in the world!)

Do not hesitate to widely share this initiative.

You can follow the statistics live  by clicking here. 

As intentions, we propose:

Wednesday 1st   For all those who are sick all over the world

Thursday 2          For all those who died

Friday 3               To comfort the families of those who are sick or deceased

Saturday 4          For the three billions of people who are confined all over the world

Sunday 5             For all couples who have communication difficulties, between them or with their children,
because of confinement

Monday 6           For the leaders of all nations can take courageously the best decisions that need to be made
(even if it's against their own profit)

Tuesday 7           So that scientific research can quickly provide effective solutions and viable for all,
especially in the poorest countries (in Africa…)

Wednesday 8     For Jews around the world celebrating Passover 5780 on the evening of April 8

at the evening of Thursday April 16

Thursday 9          For the protection of members of our families

Friday 10             For all those who are sick all over the world

Saturday 11        For the protection of doctors, nurses and all health professionals

Sunday 12           For Christians around the world who celebrate Easter

Monday 13         So that the percentage of healings can further increase

Tuesday 14         For the protection of our neighbors and our friends

Wednesday 15 For our God to put His protective hand on Africa and on the poorest countries

Thursday 16       For all the men and women who continue to work = cashiers, truckers, deliverers, letter carriers, garbage collectors, farmers and breeders, police, firefighters, teachers, banks, water-electricity-gas-telephone-internet providers, etc.

Friday 17            For those who are victims of the harmful effects of containment, with the increase depression
and anxiety, alcohol consumption, various addictions, domestic violence

Saturday 18       For all those who have lost their jobs and are unemployed; for a quick and concrete help
to companies that face great economic difficulties

Sunday 19           For spiritual leaders

Monday 20         For isolated people; especially for prisoners who are denied visits of their families

Tuesday 21         For the protection of the most vulnerable and the smallest

(the elderly or those already sick)

Wednesday 22  For those who are too stressed or panicked by this situation quickly regain confidence and faith

Thursday 23       For the homeless and those in war

Friday 24             For Muslims around the world who start the month of Ramadan 1441,

from the evening of April 24 to the evening of May 24

Saturday 25        For all those who are sick all over the world

Sunday 26           For all those who died

Monday 27th     To comfort the families of those who are sick or deceased

Tuesday 28         For a rapid economic recovery at the end of this crisis

Wednesday 29 So that these tribulations allow a spiritual renewal at all levels

(personal, family, national and global)

Thursday 30       For all those who offered this “Interfaith Minute” with us.


This initiative is coordinated by the interfaith forum "Dialogue and Alliance"

of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF-France), Espace Barrault, 98 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris

and it is supported in particular by:

Rabbi Joseph ABITTAN, Nice • Dr Andrianina ANDRIAMANJATO, founding member “Peace And Harmony Development”, Paris, and deacon of the Malagasy Protestant Church in France • Pastor Gaston CLAUDEL, Nice • M. Parfait DENA, Secretary General, UPF-Mali • M. Abdel Malik Richard DUCHAINE, delegate for interreligious dialogue for the CRCM in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes • Deacon Vazken ESKIJIAN, of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Lyon (Orthodox) • Monsignor Jacques GAILLOT, Paris • Professor Edmond JOUVE, professor emeritus of political science of law from René-Descartes University, Paris • Pastor Dominique KOUNKOU, lawyer • Mr. Khalil MERROUN, Rector of the Grand Mosque of Évry-Courcouronnes • Jean-François & Hisako MOULINET, interreligious forum “Dialogue and Alliance” of UPF-France • Monsignor NICOLAS, Orthodox Patriarchate of the Nations, Paris • Pastor Saïd OUJIBOU, Paris • Mr. Edwin PLEKHANOV ONDOUA, National coordinator, UPF-Cameroon • Martine RHEIN, Public relations of the Church of Scientology • Mr. Bikramjit SINGH, member of the Sikh community in France • Mr. Aboubacar SOW, interfaith preacher, Mali • The Venerable Dr. Michel THAO CHAN, founder and president of the Cercle de Réflexion des Nations • Etc.

Please tell us if you would like to join the sponsor committee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)