Vienna, Austria—Interview with Dr. Werner Fasslabend, former Austrian Minister of Defense, on the relation between the Horn of Africa and Western Europe hosted by Karolyn & Mohamed Mohamoud for Horn of Africa TV Somalia on June 30 2021. The short speech of Dr. Fasslabend at the beginning was given at a conference in 2019 in the UN in Vienna:

Abdulkadir Hamdan, an AfP of UPF,  started the project Horn of Africa TV one year ago during COVID-19 lockdown. It brings news  and opinions about the Horn of Africa, mainly via Interviews, in different locally relevant languages to the region. It also serves and connects the Diaspora in Europe. After working for many years with German media and news outlets, Abdulkadir Hamdan started over 30 years ago the Horn of Africa News Agency , which he runs besides serving as the diplomatic representative for the state of Eritra to the UN in Vienna and also as a diplomat for Germany, where he lives.