Book 10 Building Successful Relationships


Building Successful Relationships runs the gamut of relationships from the adolescent’s relationship with him- or herself (through self-respect and a sense of value) to his or her relationships in the family, including preparation for a future family. Topics such as respect for others, true love as opposed to infatuation and lust, getting along with seniors and juniors, communication skills, relationships with parents, conflict resolution, sexual integrity, and coping with broken relationships are all topics covered in this fascinating journey into the psyche of the maturing adolescent. User-friendly illustrations and lay-out, including stories in stand-outs and sidebars about adolescents in relationships, make for easy usage and interesting reading. Questions for Reflection, Exercises, and Reflection Exercises stimulate thoughtful introspection.


 The Family as a School of Love

What is the most valuable thing to us? Our education? Freedom? Money? TV or our CD player? All these may be important, but, for most people, none of these is more valuable than their family.

Why do we care about our families so much? Why is love so important to us? It is because we are creatures of love. Our family relationships are the first, closest, and probably the most enduring love relationships we will have in our lives. The bonds we have with our parents, brothers, and sisters, and eventual spouse make the foundation for our life, and they shape who we become as a person. Through these relationships we learn the most about true love—love for the sake of others.

Write the names of all your family members on separate pieces of paper. Fold them up and put them in a box. Then, pull one piece of paper out. This is your “beloved” for the week. For one week you should love and serve this family member, making him or her feel like the most special person in the world. Without being asked, find things to do for this person—for example, washing the dishes, walking the dog, doing the laundry—to make his or her life easier. Make little cards, write a poem, and give flowers—anything that will make this person feel loved and special.

Explore UPF's comprehensive character education curriculum

  English: Discovering the Real Me
  Spanish: Descubriendo mi verdadero yo

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