Book 11 Developing Leadership Skills


As future leaders of their own families and the current leaders of their own lives, students need to develop leadership skills. The book Developing Leadership Skills emphasizes taking responsibility by making good decisions, taking the lead in understanding others and developing relationship skills, being community-minded, being responsible in romantic and sexual relationships, coping with adversity and diversity, handling money, and being responsible for the environment. Examples of leaders, both famous and not-so-famous, as well as examples of leading schools of thought, help students relate to what leadership really is. Entertaining graphics and intriguing sidebars tell illustrative stories that underscore the meaning of the chapters. Questions for Reflection, Exercises, and Reflection Exercises at the end of each chapter help the student take ownership over the material.

Should You Have Sex Before Marriage?

Leadership involves making good decisions. One of the most important decisions many young people face today is whether to wait until marriage to engage in sex or to go ahead before marriage. This is a major decision in how to lead one’s life and should be considered  carefully.

Many media messages seem to tell us there is nothing unusual or wrong with having sex without marriage. People in movies and on TV do it all the time. However, there are rarely any consequences shown on the screen—like diseases or unwanted pregnancies. The reality of people’s lives who are having sex without marriage is a very different story.


Explain that the class is going to play a game based on a Victorian parlor game.

The students stand in a circle. One student is chosen to stand in the middle of the circle. He or she slowly turns all the way around once, while the students forming a circle try to make him or her laugh. The goal of the student in the middle is to turn all the way around once, meeting every other student’s eyes, without smiling or laughing. The students in the circle cannot touch the person in the middle, but they can make funny faces, funny sounds, say funny things, make jokes, tease, dance, or do anything to make the person laugh. This should be a lot of fun.

Anyone who can stand in the middle and turn all the way around once, meeting every other student’s eyes once time without breaking into a smile or laughing will get a piece of candy.

When the game is over, and students have settled down, explain that they may have a goal of saving sex until marriage. However, a lot of people will try to make them give in—just like in the game. It’s not easy to resist other people trying to tempt you into having a “fun” or “good” time, is it?

Explore UPF's comprehensive character education curriculum

  English: Discovering the Real Me
  Spanish: Descubriendo mi verdadero yo

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