Book 12 Preparing for Life in Society

  Imagining life after school and preparing for it is the theme of Book 12, Preparing for Life in Society. The book covers such topics as emotions and self-control, self-image and self-esteem, human nature, change, searching for meaning, finding happiness, developing the virtues of commitment and loyalty, understanding group belonging, choosing a moral code by which to live, altruism, the relationship of the individual to the family and society, dealing with adversity, making a difference through service, and fashioning a life one can look back upon proudly are all topics covered in this important book. A serious and helpful stepping-stone into life beyond school, Preparing for Life in Society is filled with helpful illustrations, anecdotes, and reflection-provoking questions and exercises.

Me and My Shadow


We have all experienced struggling to do the right thing. One part of us knows what we should do and wants to do right, while another part wants to do the opposite. Often it seems easier to be bad (or just lazy) than to be good. How can we resolve this internal conflict?


Ask students to reread “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (excerpted in their student texts). Mention that this is a very imaginative literary representation of what we all feel inside: that we have a good nature and a bad nature—“Me and My Shadow”—and that they are opposed to one another.

Now ask students to imagine that they have Dr. Jekyll’s potion, only that it has the power to bring out their good side alone. Ask them to think about how they would act, addressing real situations of conflict in their lives, once they have drunk this “good nature” potion. Encourage them to try to act that way.

Explore UPF's comprehensive character education curriculum

  English: Discovering the Real Me
  Spanish: Descubriendo mi verdadero yo

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