Book 2 Wise and Wonderful


Wise and Wonderful builds on the foundation of Book 1, Learning To Be Good, with more of Aesop’s famous fables. Written for a slightly more mature audience than Book 1, these stories are a bit more sophisticated in theme and are more firmly grounded in the world of relating to others in a sharing and caring way. Designed to be read aloud to the students, with easy-to-show illustrations, Wise and Wonderful contains the teacher’s manual right along with the story. Suggestions for hands-on activities and discussions help the teacher draw out the character education lessons of the stories.


The Flies and the Honey Pot

One day a bee farmer left a small pot of honey on a table outside. Honey, because it is so sweet, is a delicious treat. This honey attracted a family of flies. Flies are quick to find any leftover food, so as soon as they discovered the honey, they flew over to the pot. This wasn’t just a dab of honey. This was a whole pot! Yummy! The bees that had made the honey were nearby, and as soon as they saw the flies, they buzzed a warning, “Watch out! It’s not safe!” The flies didn’t realize that, although honey may be sweet and delicious, it is also very sticky and dangerous for tiny creatures like flies.


Draw on the board simple but readable warning signs saying:

Beware of Dog
Do Not Enter
Swim at Your Own Risk
Keep Away from Children
Fire Escape

Ask students to look around the classroom to see if there are any signs. They may even be allowed to look out the window to see if they can see any signs. Ask them if they know what the signs they pointed out mean.

Hold up the signs you have brought in and explain to the children, "Here are some signs that you may see in your neighborhood. Let’s talk about each one of these signs, and what they might mean."

Explore UPF's comprehensive character education curriculum

  English: Discovering the Real Me
  Spanish: Descubriendo mi verdadero yo

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