Book 8 Going Through Changes
The title says it all: firmly entrenched in adolescence, the thirteen to fourteen year old is definitely going through changes! As the characters in the stories of this book find out, the adolescent urge for independence is sometimes at odds with parental concerns about safety and sexuality, childhood friendships change and are subject to scrutiny from other peers; sibling rivalry may reach new heights on the athletic field, and belonging means something more than being part of a group of friends one’s own age. These thought-provoking stories show adolescents in the midst of their family and school lives, triumphs and struggles, as they go through the metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood. |
“I Hate You, Mom and Dad!” “C’mon, Dad,” cried out Emily to her father. “I’m thirteen years old now. I’m a teenager, not a baby.” With that, she stomped up the stairs, making sure each step was heard throughout the house. At the top of the stairway, she shouted, “I hate you!” and slammed the door. Emily’s father gazed at his wife and sighed. She shot back a sympathetic look. Their daughter’s dramatic exit from the dining room was brought on by her father’s refusal to allow her to date an older boy. In his mind, thirteen was too young to be dating at all, especially older boys. This boy, Carl, did not have a good reputation, either. There were rumors that he had gotten one girl pregnant. Ask students how many of them thought Emily’s parents were wrong at the beginning of the story. Did any change their minds by the end of the story? How many still thought Emily’s parents were wrong by the end of the story? You could make a chart similar to the one here and tally their votes.
Explore UPF's comprehensive character education curriculum
English: Discovering the Real Me
Spanish: Descubriendo mi verdadero yo