Book 9 Developing My Character


Developing My Character features direct teachings on such topics as choosing what kind of person to become, what constitutes happiness, masculinity and femininity, the importance of relating well to others, finding purpose, resisting peer pressure, the relationship between freedom and responsibility, the existence of the conscience, and the importance of honesty and self-control. Filled with entertaining stand-outs and sidebars that use famous and historical people as examples of the lessons being taught, the chapters are accompanied by striking graphics and challenging questions and exercises. Filled with wisdom and humor, this book is an invaluable guide to developing good character in the middle adolescent.

What Do We Live For?

Michelangelo’s famous statue of David (a biblical hero and king) is considered one of the greatest works of art in the world. When people asked Michelangelo how he made his beautiful masterpiece, Michelangelo said he took a huge piece of marble and chipped away all the parts that did not look like David. He made the marble resemble the image in his mind and created one of the world’s finest works or art.

If we are going to create something wonderful, we first must have a good image in our minds of what it will look like. If you want to make your life a work of art (or even just satisfying and worthwhile), you need to develop a clear vision of the kind of person you would like to be and how you can become like that. You are the artist of your own life.


Ask students what “virtues” are. Once students have given their ideas, write on the board:


A particular moral excellence

A commendable quality or trait

Point out that when we say that Mary, for instance, is honest, we are saying that Mary has the virtue (or character strength) of honesty.

Explore UPF's comprehensive character education curriculum

  English: Discovering the Real Me
  Spanish: Descubriendo mi verdadero yo

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