Bringing the UPF Vision to a Druze Annual Gathering

April 25, 2008

UPF delegates greet President Shimon PeresThe Druze celebration in honor of the prophet Shu’eib on April 25, 2008, offered an opportunity to promote UPF's interfaith vision.


Religious Youth Service Works with Faith Link on Jerusalem Project

February 24, 2008

Jerusalem - A joint project between Religious Youth Service and Faith Link in Jerusalem Feb. 12-24, 2008, had a good mix of youth representing Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Unificationism and atheism.


E. Glaubach: Prospectus for a Peace Academy

February 11, 2008

"There is clearly a younger generation in the Middle East, sick and tired of conflict and beginning to understand that their future and hopes reside not in confrontation over territory but in the challenges of science, technology and communication, and that they can win new life and a new future without boundaries."- Shimon Peres, Nobel Peace Prize Winner


Fact-Finding Trips to Israel and Palestinian Territories

December 31, 2007

UPF's Middle East Peace Initiative programs from 2005-07 included fact-finding tours to inform participants of the perceived prospects for a peaceful resolution of the conflict from a range of informed opinions from both Israelis and Palestinians.


UK Doctor Proposes a Holy Land Medical Project

December 31, 2007

Plans for a collaborative health care project are evolving out of the Middle East Peace Initiative fact-finding trips. Participants in a European MEPI fact-finding tour visited the Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem in 2007.


Religious Youth Service Supports International Volunteer Day in Jerusalem

December 14, 2007

Jerusalem – Religious Youth Service helped carry out a five-day experiential service-learning project, Dec. 7-14, 2007 that included a commemoration of International Volunteer Day.


Global Peacemakers Meet Youth in Jewish and Arab Communities

December 12, 2007

Families in an Orthodox Jewish community opened their homes to Palestinian youth in a December 2007 Global Peacemakers Project.


Hearts Are Touched as Faith Leaders Embrace

December 10, 2007

At the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, a Jewish scholar from Jerusalem, a Muslim cleric from Kazakhstan, a Buddhist priest from Japan, and a Christian bishop from Nazareth prayed for the unity of God's people during a Middle East Peace Initiative program Dec. 4-9, 2007.


E. Glaubach: Proposal for a Peace Zone Fishery on the Gaza-Israel Coast

December 9, 2007

I propose that a fishery be built on the seashore border between the Gaza Strip and Israel as a joint venture between investors and the Israeli and Palestinian authorities. Such project will serve the common interests of all sides and have economic and political benefits.


Play Soccer, Make Peace

December 9, 2007

Play Football, Make Peace has run pilot programs for young  people in Gaza, Israel and Jordan. The power of sports to bring down borders was shown when young people from the separate areas of Gaza had a unique chance to meet each other and compete through a Play Soccer [Football] Make Peace tournament.


M. Peleg: A Call for Non-Violence

December 7, 2007

The non-violent approach unequivocally won and changed forever the history of the United States and of the entire world. The precedent it created, similarly to the French Revolution 200 years earlier, turned into a symbol with present and future implications for political struggles in various locations.


Students Play Basketball for Peace in Haifa

December 7, 2007

More than 700 students from four middle schools in Israel took part in a Dec. 1-6, 2007 interreligious program in the Haifa region of Carmel that promoted friendship and good sportsmanship..


Druze Host Interreligious Conference in Israel

October 31, 2007

An International Leadership Conference in Tiberias, Israel, Oct. 29-31, 2007, brought together Druze, Jews, Muslims and Christians. 


In the News: Journalists Call for Media to Foster Mideast Peace

April 16, 2007

Several journalists at a recent media symposium in Jerusalem expressed agreement that the media should actively work to influence events by seeking to calm attitudes among conflicting parties in Middle East conflicts.


Welcome to Israel

April 2, 2007

“Your mom threw my mom out of the house,” said a Palestinian youth to a visiting American Jew. In a land where 3,000 years of history are so readily collapsed into one generation, the prospects for improved relationships often seem dismal. Our era needs women peacebuilders who can reopen the doors of locked hearts and homes to welcome the "other."


Engaging in Dialogue

October 23, 2006

The 19th Middle East Peace Initiative featured several opportunities for first-hand learning about the current situation in Israel. In Jerusalem on October 22, 2006, Ambassadors for Peace from the United States engaged in discussions with representatives of various aspects of Israeli society.


Americans Engage in Dialogue in Jerusalem

October 22, 2006

The October 2006 Middle East Peace Initiative trip featured several opportunities for first-hand learning about the current situation in Israel. In Jerusalem, Ambassadors for Peace from the United States engaged in discussions with representatives of various aspects of Israeli society.


Recording "Halelu — A Cantata for Peace"

July 25, 2006

“Halelu,” a 40-minute composition for solo voices, chorus and orchestra is a collaborative effort between New York City Symphony music director David Eaton and the prominent Israeli singer/composer, David D'Or. The music was inspired by the efforts of the Middle Peace Initiative (MEPI) and consists of ten movements, several of which are based on the MEPI motto, "Peace, Shalom, Salaam Aleikum," the greetings of peace of the three Abrahamic faiths of Christanity, Judaism and Islam.


Hebrew Version of Shi'ite Passion Play Premieres in Jerusalem

June 1, 2006

The Shi'ite Passion play, "The Martyrdom of Imam Hussein," a central component of the Iranian-Shi'ite culture, created by Dr. Eldad J. Pardo, a specialist on Iranian culture, and the poet Shelley Elkayam, premiered in Israel May 29, 2006.


Jewish-Christian Dialogue, May 2006

May 31, 2006

The second Jewish-Christian Dialogue of the Middle East Peace Initiative took place May 17-18, 2006, in a beautiful sun-drenched space, with floor to ceiling windows in Jerusalem's Olive Tree Hotel.