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Presentation: UPF Vision 2010 - Part 1

Korea-2010-02-18-Presentation UPF Vision 2010 - Part 1

UPF International Leadership Conference
Seoul, Korea, February 2009
Unofficial notes of presentation

We are determined to fulfill the expectations of Ambassadors for Peace and the hope of people who see in the Universal Peace Federation a great tool to bring peace to pass. We have been living in a world divided, and it is time for good people like you to come together to create one world of peace.

UPF’s founding purpose is to create world peace. The guiding principle of the UPF is true love. True love is not just being sweet and nice. It is a deep sense of the well-being of others and the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the well-being of others. (The other may be a person, an idea, or even the environment.) It means the urgent desire and willingness to sacrifice to make the other happy and successful.

The UPF brings like-minded people together to create a global peace movement guided by universal principles. We talk about the ideal of a parent United Nations. Parental love is love that cares and sacrifices for others. The United Nations was created to bring that kind of love and relationship among nations, a relationship based on each nation seeking to create benefit for other nations, not benefit only for themselves.

We promote interreligious dialogue and cooperation based on mutual respect and trying to help the other before helping one’s self. This means listening to, respecting, and empowering others. All religious teachings fundamentally call for respect for others. But in our practice we tend to forget that.

We promote strong marriage and families.

We work in cooperation with the United Nations. It has accomplished a lot of good things. But there is much more to be accomplished. There is still poverty, war, and inequality in the world. There are many problems to be dealt with. With the vision of working for the sake of others, we are cooperating with the UN and want to inspire others to work together with the UN with the end goal of creating world peace.

We have local, national, and international activities. We have representatives working at the United Nations. We work with other international organizations and NGOs. We work with civil society, NGOs, religious leaders, and economic institutions. We have linkages to universities, schools, and youth. We seek to educate people to live up to the highest ideals.  We have service programs and regional peace initiatives.

We want to work with local chapters. We offer peace education through conferences such as this International Leadership Conference. We invite the contributions of people with wisdom. Sometimes people who are out of office have greater wisdom and more freedom to share it with others. We also have had International Leadership Conferences in houses of parliament and other significant venues. On the national level, we hold tours and events prepared by national offices. Invitations to present the core curriculum have come from many nations.

We celebrate the international commemorative days of the United Nations that highlight special issues of interest, such as families and peace. When heads of state gather in New York, we meet with them, share with them about our activities, and discuss how to cooperate. One of the things we want to achieve is an interfaith council at the United Nations.

Much work remains in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. At least we need to work with this on a family level, because strong, loving families are the foundations for all the goals.

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