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Asia-Pacific ILC 2021, July 8: Session VII: Challenges of Peace on the Korean Peninsula: Analyzing the Security Scenario

Asia Pacific—The July 7-8 International Leadership Conference 2021 (ILC2021)—Asia Pacific program convened Session Seven, “Challenges of Peace on the Korean Peninsula: Analyzing the Security Scenario,” on July 8 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Bangkok time. Four speakers from Cambodia, India, New Zealand and Vietnam presented. In total, 1,612 people registered for the event and 354 watched it live on Zoom and hundreds more did so on YouTube and Facebook Live.

Dr. Tran Doan Lam, general director and chief-editor of The Gioi Publishing House in Vietnam, said a policy of diversification and multilaterialization of relations and mutual respect for national sovereignty, independence and freedom would be a great start to bridge gaps between the two Koreas.

Amb. Yogendra Kumar, former ambassador of India to the Philippines and Tajikistan and former high commissioner of India to Namibia, spoke about the challenges the Korean Peninsula is facing, including those related to the pandemic which has affected the economies of North and South Korea.

Dr. Chheang Vannarith, president at the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) and chairman of the advisory council of the National Assembly of Cambodia, highlighted three features of international politics: fluidity, complexity and multiplicity. He emphasized that we need to constantly adapt to change and have to play our individual roles in shaping the new world order. He concluded by saying that no country can handle global issues alone and that is why regional and international relations is needed.

Prof. Bo Zhiyue, founder and president of the Bo Zhiyue China Institute in Wellington, New Zealand, said that a peace agreement between the two Korean governments would not only officially end the Korean War but also end the war of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). He proposed North and South Korea work together with other stakeholders, such as China and the U.S., to establish mechanisms for sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula.   

Amb. K.V. Rajan, former ambassador of India and chair of UPF-India, moderated the event.

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