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ILC2021 Asia Pacific, July 29: Session VI – Culture, Arts, Sports and the Peace Road

Asia Pacific—The sixth session of the July 28-29 International Leadership Conference 2021 (ILC2021) was convened on July 29, under the theme, “Toward Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula: Culture, Arts and Sports Initiatives and Peace Road Project.” A total of 4,679 people registered for the event and 333 joined it live on Zoom and thousands more did so through YouTube and Facebook Live.

The opening remarks were given by Dr. Lek Thaveetermsakul, vice chair of UPF-Asia Pacific.

The four panelists were Mr. Bunhok Lim, deputy director general of the Asian Cultural Council, Cambodia; Dr. No Hi Pak, senior advisor to UPF-Korea; Dr. Lamin D. Bangura, president of the African Union of Kazakhstan; and Mr. Sophal Chamroeun, coordinator of the Peace Road Asia Pacific.

Mr. Lim highlighted the importance of culture as a force of unity and not division. Another speaker, Dr. Pak, spoke about the reason for the founding of the Little Angels, which is to promote peace through traditional Korean culture and arts. Mr. Chamroeun, shared his insights on the Peace Road. The project, which was initiated by the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the founders of UPF, promotes two projects: an undersea tunnel between Korea and Japan, and the Bering Strait Project to connect Alaska and Siberia.

The session closed with a beautiful and heartfelt performance by the Little Angels of Korea and North Korean children in both Koreas. Rev. Hajime Saito, sub-regional director of the Mekong region, served as the moderator.

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