Peace Summit 2023
- Written by: Alan Jessen
Seoul, South Korea—The IAYSP World Assembly was held on May 8, 2023, at the conclusion of the World Peace Summit and the 80th Birthday Celebration for Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
- Written by: UPF-International
Seoul, South Korea—Peace Summit 2023 gathered global leaders in Seoul, Korea to discuss the many crises facing the global village and a pathway to peace.
- Written by: UPF International
Seoul, South Korea—Available for reading and study: The final schedule and many of the speeches from Peace Summit 2023 (May 2-6) on the theme, “Toward a World Culture of Peace.”
- Written by: Roger Wetherall
Seoul, South Korea—The rise of China is leading to imbalance in the global political situation and the potential for conflict, with the Korean Peninsula as a focal point.
- Written by: Cindy Pfeiffer, North America Regional Coordinator, IAFLP
Seoul, South Korea—Legislators and parliamentarians representing their countries all over the world are given the ability to address their countries’ problems.
- Written by: Cheryl Wetzstein
Seoul, South Korea—UPF’s peace associations for the realms of the media and the business world held a joint plenary session during Peace Summit 2023 on May 4, 2023.
- Written by: Ms. Nancy Hewitt and Dr. Thomas Selover
Seoul, South Korea—IAAP is an association of scholars working together to develop important content to fortify the core ideals, values and principles of a peace ideology.
- Written by: Ms. Nancy Hewitt and Dr. Thomas Selover
Seoul, South Korea—Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace: IAAP, Session 7B, was held May 4, 2023 as part of Peace Summit 2023.
- Written by: Alan Jessen
Seoul, South Korea—IAYSP held a session at the Peace Summit 2023 with a focus on “Climate Crisis and Education.”
- Written by: Renee Corley, UPF International
Seoul, South Korea—“Prospects for Peace in Southeast Europe,” was one of the regional peacebuilding sessions of Peace Summit 2023.
- Written by: Yvo Bruffaerts, Coordinator, UPF-Western Europe
Seoul, South Korea—The Peace Summit 2023 on the theme of “Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace” convened on May 2-6 in Seoul, Korea.
- Written by: Cindy Pfeiffer, Regional Coordinator for North America, IAFLP
Seoul, South Korea—“At this crucial time, we are gathering together to call for the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.”