Azerbaijan-2016-11-26-Parliamentarians Association Welcomed in Azerbaijan

Baku, Azerbaijan—The former prime minister of Azerbaijan chaired a forum at which dignitaries heard about a new parliamentarians’ peacebuilding association.

Former Prime Minister Rahim Huseynov welcomed delegates from Georgia, Russia, Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as guests from Azerbaijan, at the Irshad conference center on November 26, 2016. Among the guests were members of Parliament, representatives of government agencies, academic and higher educational institutions, as well as leaders of the Foundation for Knowledge under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Dr. Katsumi Otsuka, regional chair of UPF-Eurasia, spoke on "Fundamental Principles of Sustainable Peace." He described the vision of UPF founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and emphasized the role of Azerbaijan in promoting peace, based on its geographical and historical features.

In his presentation on UPF’s global activities, UPF-Eurasia Regional Secretary General Konstantin Krylov reported on the launching in 2016 of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP). Mr. Krylov also described UPF’s programs for the moral education of young people and for creating stable families.

Public and government leaders warmly welcomed the establishment of IAPP. In September 2016 several members of the Azerbaijani Parliament had attended the International Leadership Conference in London at which the IAPP was launched in Europe.

Representatives of public organizations drew the attention of the participants to the need for a speedy resolution of the conflict in the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, which continues to claim lives.

At the end of the conference, with assistance of Dr. Isahan Veliev, who is a very active Ambassador for Peace, the leaders of the Universal Peace Federation had a meeting with the executive director of the Knowledge Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan Republic, Mr. Oktai Samedov. New projects were planned, marking points of partnership that would cover the field of ecology and education of young people, for the benefit of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the entire Caucasus region.

UPF congratulates the new Ambassadors for Peace who were awarded this high rank at the conclusion of the conference. Headed by former Prime Minister Rahim Huseynov, the Ambassadors for Peace in Azerbaijan are making an important contribution to peace.

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