Dialogue & Alliance
Vol. 28, Summer 2014
The Relevance of Religion’s “Soft Power” to Global Affairs
Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Syria: The Significance of Religion, Faith-Based Organizations and Civil Society
Mr. David Fraser Harris, Secretary General, UPF-Middle East
The Potential of Mediation in Support of Peace and Democratization
Dr. Noa Zanolli, Associate, Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, Switzerland
Using Faith-based Cooperation to Create Stability and Reform
Sheikh Muhammad Ali al-Hajj, Director, Imam As-Sajjad Seminary, Beirut, Lebanon
Applying Soft Power to Resolving the Syria Conflict
Dr. Quanyi Zhang, Associate Professor of Political Science, Zhejiang Wanli University, People’s Republic of China
In the Image of God
Ms. Eliya Kranz, Executive Director, Silver Spring Jewish Center, USA
Religion, the Problem or the Solution?
Rev. Hjörtur Magni Jóhannsson, Head Minister/Director, Free Lutheran Church, Iceland
Education for Peace in Religiously Plural Societies
Dr. Katerina Dekanovská, Founder, Interreligious Society of the Czech Republic
Introducing Spiritual Discussions into Political Debate
Rev. Dr. William McComish, President, Geneva Spiritual Appeal, Switzerland
Peace Is Hard Work
Dr. Willem F. van Eekelen, Former Minister of Defense, The Netherlands
Potential Roles for Faith Leaders in the Middle East
Dr. Michael Jenkins, Chairman, Operations Holdings, Inc., USA
An Assessment of the Arab Spring in Egypt and Syria
Dr. Deng-Ker Lee, Professor, Department of Diplomacy, CEO, Center for Islam and Middle East Studies, National Chengchi University, People’s Republic of China
The Relevance of Religion in Peacebuilding
Dr. Thomas Walsh, President, UPF International
Peacemaking Processes in Europe: Proposals for East Asia
Dr. Walter Schwimmer, Former Secretary General, Council of Europe
Cultural Beliefs of the Tunwagun People of Ooye-Isangbe
Mr. Abíólá Ayòdèjì Oláníyì, Department of Religious Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
Implications of Scriptural Teachings for Interreligious Dialogue in Nigeria
Dr. Sulaiman Kamal-deen Olawale, Department of Religious Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria