
Click here to learn more about the Think Tank 2022 and UPF's effort in the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Think Tank 2022


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Peace Tours

Peace Tour Program in Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan - The Universal Peace Federation's Global Peace Tour in Taiwan was held in the historical Grand Hotel of Taipei with over 1,200 participants. The theme of the keynote address was “The Turning Point for the Development of Taiwan in this Changing Age.” Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s passion and vision inspired and ignited the whole audience.

Soon after arriving at the airport on March 6, Dr. Moon met with H.E. Ma Ying-Jeou, President of the Republic of China [Taiwan]. As alumni of Harvard University, they had a warm conversation. Then he went to visit Hon. Wang Jin-Pyng, President of Legislative Yuan [Speaker of the House of Representatives]. In these conversations Dr. Moon encouraged Taiwan NGOs to become involved in international service programs with people of other Pacific Rim nations.

The main event was held on March 7. Representative Raphael Gamzou from Israel's Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei referred to UPF's work for peace in the land where he was born: “I am grateful for the Universal Peace Federation's cumulative work for peace through the Middle East Peace Initiative from 2003 till now.” He also praised UPF for launching the Cross-Strait Peace Initiative between mainland China and Taiwan, the South Asia Peace Initiative, and the Mindanao Peace Initiative in Philippines which is addressing the conflict between Muslims and Catholics.

Dr. Po Ya Chang, President of UPF-Taiwan, played a key role in the tour's success. In her welcoming remarks she said: “We are facing many challenges in this world today, such as the financial chaos, ongoing conflict, and violence. More fundamentally, we see a growing moral and spiritual crisis evidenced in the rise of family breakdown, divorce, and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. But the private sector and NGOs can collaborate to make breakthroughs in building peace within nations and in the world.”

Ambassador Tsai-Fang Lee, former representative from Taiwan to Korea, spoke about UPF's vision and its emphasis not only on interfaith and international cooperation but also on interdisciplinary research among scholars from all academic fields with an aim to solving critical global problems.

Hon. Shiang-Nung Lin, Former Chairman of Council of Agriculture and Fellow of the National Policy Foundation, spoke of going to a Christian church during his childhood and encountering Christianity. It was an overwhelming experience of "culture shock," he said, to hear them teaching about "loving your enemy." A vision came to him at that time of a world of love and harmony. This vision has guided him throughout his life, and he sees this same vision manifest in the work of UPF and the Global Peace Festival.

Dr. Hyun Jin Moon introduced the universal vision of One Family under God transcending nationality and creed, and he urged audience to help make that dream a reality: "In this way we can fulfill the original mission of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, and the founders of other religions to create the universal family of God and usher in an age of everlasting peace and prosperity."

He also gave the credit to his father, the Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who has devoted his entire life and resources to the fulfillment of a promise he made to God to work for an ideal world of peace.

Dr. Hyun Jin Moon urged Taiwanese to engage with other champions of peace-building from around the world.

In the end, Dr. Moon called for a moral and spiritual awakening rooted in the vision of one family under God: “Together, let us dare to dream the greatest dream of all! Let us own the dream to create One Family under God.”

For the keynote address and more information about the peace tour, click here.