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Think Tank 2022


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International Association of Academicians for Peace

UPF-Paraguay Inaugurates the International Association of Academicians for Peace

Paraguay-2022-05-27-Inauguration of the International Association of Academics for Peace


Asunción, Paraguay—In Asunción, the capital of the Republic of Paraguay, on Friday, May 27, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the Bicameral Hall of the National Congress, more than 150 people, including deputies, rectors, researchers, professors, military and police, and Ambassadors for Peace, among other VIPs, met to inaugurate the International Association of Academics for Peace (IAAP) and celebrate the International Day of the Family. This event was broadcast on the official television of the National Congress at the national and international level, Chamber of the National Congress, through social networks both on YouTube and Facebook.

Thanks to the efforts of Deputy Esmérita Sánchez, member of IAPP and promoter of IAAP, the recordings are available at these links:

The event began with a musical performance by the National Police Band of Musicians directed by Master Oscar Barreto, playing a tribute to Homeland, Mothers and Family.

The president of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, Roswitha Dueck de Giuliano, gave the opening remarks. She congratulated the nominees for Ambassador for Peace, and shared the message of the international president, Dr. Julia Moon, highlighting that the qualities of women, such as compassion, empathy and, in particular, the sacrificial love of a mother’s heart, lead the world towards lasting harmony and peace.

Pastor Pablo Estigarribia, chaplain of the Armed Forces, founder of the Open Bible Church and representative of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development IAPD, gave the invocation.

An 8-minute video with highlights of Think Thank, 2022, prepared by iPeaceTV, was shown with translation by Alejandro de Souza, sharing True Parents’ vision of a unified Heavenly Korea and the creation of the different areas of UPF, such as the IAPP, IAPD and IAAP among others.

Next, we had a presentation on the philosophy of Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values by Gustavo Giuliano, director of education for UPF-Paraguay.

Rev. Evaristo Fernández, president of UPF-Paraguay, gave guidance on the mission and role of the Ambassadors for Peace, emphasizing becoming heaven-sent ambassadors who protect the family, are models of global citizens who love peace, and are leaders with good practices.

Certificates were then delivered to 32 new Ambassadors for Peace, including several university administrators, researchers and professors, in addition to the municipal mayor of the city of Ñemby, military, police, doctors and artists from different areas of society who committed to studying the philosophy of UPF’s founders and to be active participants in UPF initiatives.

Once all the nominations had been made, we proceeded to the signing of the Inaugural Resolution of the International Association of Academics for Peace (IAAP).

Words of thanks from some of the new Ambassadors for Peace

Magister Karen Magdalena Viera de Gauto, academic director of the private University of Guaira: “I consider that this certificate is a true challenge that entails a great commitment. Peace must come from within; we hope to be instruments and agents of peace. We must attest that peace is within our grasp. This duty of Ambassadors for Peace commits us to analyze ourselves in the face of many situations that require a positive influence for a harmonious coexistence, seeking a better world.”

Hector Riolo Alvarenga, well-known musician from Paraguay: “I thank God for this moment that we are living in here. I give thanks on behalf of all the musicians of Paraguay. The largest university in the world is home. I will carry this distinction very high and I will try to establish peace in the area where I work.”

Ramón Vargas, university professor: “Peace is a gift from God, but it is everyone’s job. We must have as a premise and goal to reach the objectives. Let us remember that in the year 1844 the national emblems of Paraguay were established. In one of the emblems it says ‘Peace and Justice.’ We are a blessed country when we talk about peace. Even beyond the problems we face, this should drive us to build peace. It involves us all. We must continue to make history.”

Tomas Olmedo, mayor of the city of Ñemby: “The distinction that we have received today is one more commitment and in this sacred place of the Congress, today we are summoned by the IAAP, destined to contribute to the realization of a world of lasting peace. With joy that this association is installed in our country, we optimistically contemplate the consolidation of the Universal Peace Federation.”

Authorities present gave words of congratulation to the new Ambassadors for Peace

Del Pilar Medina, national deputy and founder of IAPP: “I want to share with you my experience both in Korea and here. I consider that the main thing is the study of the Divine Principle with the one-to-one method, which I was doing with Rev. Evaristo Fernández. This helped me understand the mission of True Parents and our mission here on earth. We really feel very strong and committed. There are many Ambassadors for Peace and we must create a system to unite and work together.”

Juan Alberto Denis Pintos, rector of the University of Greater Asunción, former congressman, and founder of IAPP: “Congratulations to the new ambassadors. Let us seek happiness through spiritual peace, within the framework of values. Let’s build a better Paraguay for all, based on mutual respect and honesty. I thank Father and Mother Moon for initiating Ambassadors for Peace and I want to tell you that our role is to give ourselves fully. It’s not a job, it is a happiness. Give and take. I make the facilities of my university available to develop the academic activities of the organization that we founded today, the International Association of Academics for Peace.

Testimonies of some of the New Ambassadors for Peace

Lic. Mauro Osorio, secretary general of the Municipality of Ñemby: “In the first place, it was a very emotional act, well achieved, with a very altruistic objective, with solid principles and values ​​that support the International Crusade for Peace. On the other hand, it is a great satisfaction for me to be able to integrate this philanthropic organization, because it represents my aspiration, since I was a child, to build a more humane, caring, inclusive, open and democratic world, to sustain a solid structure with a moral, ethical and spiritual base, the projection of a society respectful of its cultural, social and political heritage, with no more demand than respect and tolerance for harmonious coexistence with others.

“I will be a positive instrument, in pursuit of this moral mandate with universal projection of the construction of a lasting Peace, nourished with concrete actions.”

Paulina Garcia Latorre, Chief Deputy Commissioner, police agent: “First of all, I thank God and UPF-Paraguay that they have given me the opportunity to participate in such an important event and especially to be part of the apostolate, possibly the most important in the world, which is to practice, work, achieve and maintain peace through unity. Through the experience lived today as an Ambassador for Peace, I have a better vision of the purpose of the organization, of the goals it pursues and the way in which it approaches them, always aiming at the global well-being of humanity. I have noticed great progress that the organization has achieved through global connections, uniting people of great quality and authorities from different sectors and countries, being involved in practicing good to achieve peace, through self-esteem and spiritual peace, these being a powerful weapon. During the event, it was possible to perceive tranquility, security and fraternity among the participants, reflecting the harmony of the community involved, breaking barriers of religious beliefs, politics, races and any other discrimination.

“Let’s fight for global peace. When more people unite, victory will be easier and the long-awaited world peace will come true.”

Juares Julio Cuevas Goncalves, MS in Educational Sciences and MS in Hospital Administration and Management: “Hello, I really do not have words to explain how wonderful it feels and what I have felt in the activity carried out today. It is very motivating and pleasant to feel that you did a lot for humanity, for the peace and well-being of others and that now with this act you feel more committed and honored to do more for others. It is truly motivating since it unites people from different areas of knowledge with a single object with a single mission to promote peace in families, nations and in the world.

“Thank you very much for the trust placed in me and in my academic management and in the health area, at the same time the act was impeccable. Congratulations and may God continue to bless you for the beautiful work you are doing for humanity.”

Inaugural Resolution of the International Association of Academics for Peace (IAAP)

We, the undersigned, join the participants in the 2020 World Summit sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) convened in Seoul, Korea from February 3-7, 2020 on the theme “Making a Peaceful World a Reality” and reunification of the Korean peninsula through Interdependence (Gong-saeng), Mutual Prosperity (Gong-yeong) and Universal Values (Gong-eui),” affirm our belief that scholars and educators play an essential role in building a good society. The 2020 World Peace Academic Conference, organized by the Hyo Jeong Academic Foundation as part of the 2020 World Summit, has brought together talented and conscientious scholars and practitioners from numerous disciplines, and together we are committed to working collaboratively to make the world a better place, addressing its most significant challenges and promoting world peace.

We applaud the leadership of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and her husband, the late Reverend Sun Myung Moon, for her vision and work over many decades to create “One Family Under God.” This includes his founding of UPF, an NGO in general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. In response to this great leadership, we offer the following resolution:

WHEREAS, scholars and educators have played and continue to play a crucial role in the intellectual, moral, and spiritual development of humanity; and

WHEREAS, scholars are called to critical and constructive thinking in their core mission of seeking truth, goodness, and beauty; and

WHEREAS, the contributions of scholars to achieving peace through interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values ​​can only be truly effective in conjunction and partnership with conscientious leaders from other sectors of society,

THEREFORE, we propose to inaugurate the International Association of Academics for Peace as a project of UPF, and to work together with the International Council of Summits for Peace (ISCP), the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), the International Media Association for Peace (IMAP) and the International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED), and other related associations that may be formed in the future.

The International Association of Academics for Peace (IAAP) represents a new global interdisciplinary academic initiative aimed at contributing to the realization of a world of lasting peace.

WE HEREBY affirm and resolve to uphold the following principles and objectives:

Establish programs that promote excellence in academic research for the benefit of humanity.

Promote academic publications and academic teaching of the highest quality.

Build professional networks for scholars to foster a world of peace based on the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values.

Convene programs that promote these objectives.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, support this proposal to establish a new association of scholars, thought leaders, university administrators, and government officials to be known as the International Association of Academics for Peace.

Signed this day, May 27, 2022, in the Bicameral Hall of the Asunción National Congress, Paraguay.