Uruguay-2017-11-24-IAPP Inaugurated in Uruguay

Montevideo, Uruguay—The International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was launched on November 24, 2017 at the Uruguay’s National Garden. Among the attendees were former First Lady Ms. Graciela Rompani de Pacheco, Hon. Pablo Abdala, religious leaders and 40 Ambassadors for Peace.

A highlight was the address by the former president of the Chamber of Senators, Mr. Carlos Baráibar, who referred to his experiences at IAPP-related events in Paraguay and Korea to emphasize the importance of the IAPP. Rev. Dongmo Shin, president of UPF-South America and Rev. Sang Suek Kim, president of the Family Federation for World Peace of Latin America, delivered messages. The master of ceremonies was Mr. Raúl Rey, secretary general of UPF-Uruguay.

The event concluded with all participants committing to support future IAPP activities.