Russia-2022-11-04-IAAP Debuts in Russia with Bering Tunnel Webinar

Moscow, Russia—Prospects for a Bering Strait tunnel were the subject of a UPF-Russia webinar.

The event was held on November 4, 2022, in recognition of the United Nations' World Science Day for Peace and Development, whose theme for 2022 was "Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development.”

The first in a series of UPF online interviews with academicians, it also marked the start in Russia of UPF’s International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP), which, as a global interdisciplinary academic initiative, aims to contribute to the achievement of lasting peace.

The speaker of the first program was Dr. Viktor Razbegin, a prominent Russian scientist in the field of spatial economics, transport infrastructure and construction; a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Engineering and the International Academy of Regional Cooperation; and the editor-in-chief of the international journal Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.

The broadcast received a total of 178,000 online views with 85 engagements (feedback).