Peru-2023-07-14-UPF-Peru Celebrates World Environment Day


Lima, Peru—More than 25 new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed on July 14, 2023 at the celebration of World Environment Day. The meeting was sponsored by the International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP) Peru branch in co-sponsorship with the Lima Bar Association and the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Peru branch.

The meeting under the theme “For a planet without contamination by plastics,” brought together outstanding guests, including the vice dean of the Lima Bar Association, Dr. Francisco Gómez Valdez; the former Minister of Agrarian Development and Irrigation of Peru, Dr. Andres Alencastre Calderón; and biologist and Ambassador for Peace Marisa Ocrospoma Jara. In addition, Engineer Christian Contreras Otiniano, secretary general of IAAP-Peru branch; Dr. Teresa Otiniano Castillo, secretary general of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) Peru branch; and Mr. Jaime Fernández Túpac, secretary general of UPF-Peru branch, were part of the table of honor.

During his opening remarks, Mr. Christian Contreras Otiniano called for reflection on the role we have regarding the use of plastics. “According to figures from the Ministry of the Environment, 23,000 tons of solid waste are produced daily in Peru, of which 7% are plastic.” Engineer Contreras underlined the importance of environmental education in the schools and developing habits that contribute to caring for the environment.

In the same way, Dr. Francisco Gómez Valdez expressed during his welcoming remarks to the members of the table of honor and audience: “Peace also has to do with the state of the environment.” Dr. Gómez Valdez highlighted the importance of developing joint proposals that favor the development of humanity and the conservation of the environment.

Dr. Teresa Otiniano Castillo expressed the concern and feelings of UPF International Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, regarding environmental contamination and its implications for humanity and the planet, and read the UN message about World Environment Day.

Dr. Andres Alencastre Calderón then gave a speech on the subject “Environmental Management: A Territorial Approach,” in which he highlighted the importance of knowing the characteristics of our country for effective environmental management: “What is needed is to go beyond the paradigm of sustainability, towards a regenerative culture, which rebuilds nature through our human decisions,” considering the multidimensional diversity of our country.

Likewise, biologist Marisa Ocrospoma Jara, a specialist in ecosystems, shared a detailed presentation about the study of the ecosystem of La Costa Verde de Lima during the COVID pandemic. Ms. Ocrospoma highlighted the importance of knowing and respecting the characteristics of a particular ecosystem and the ecosystem services it provides, evaluating the impact of the ecosystem on the climate and on the lifestyle of the species that inhabit it.

As part of the program, more than 25 new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed, including Dr. Francisco Gomez Valdez and Dr. Andres Alencastre Calderón, together with officials from the government sector, academics, businessmen and civil society leaders. Dr. Trevor Jones, executive president of UPF-Peru, gave induction remarks to the new Ambassadors for Peace, inviting them to commit to UPF’s guiding principles. The secretary general of UPF-Peru, Mr. Jaime Fernández, and Dr. Teresa Otiniano Castillo, secretary general of IAPP-Peru, chaired the appointing and credentialing ceremony.

The event included a musical performance of the song “INTITIKA Flor del Sol” by soprano Alianda Valenzuela.