International Association of Academicians for Peace
The International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP) represents a new global interdisciplinary academic initiative aimed at contributing to the realization of a world of lasting peace by building a professional network for academicians to foster a world of peace based on the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values.
Lima, Peru—More than 25 new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed on July 14, 2023 at the celebration of World Environment Day.
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—Two scholars and an activist were invited to give their views on a neutral Korean Peninsula.
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—What if a united Korea became like Switzerland?
Moscow, Russia—Two speakers pondered Russia’s future with its neighbors on the Korean Peninsula.
Argentina—UNESCO's International Day of Education and World Day for the African and Afrodescendant Culture were observed by UPF-Argentina to celebrate the African continent's various cultures and its diaspora around the world.
Moscow, Russia—The webinar served as an inauguration for IAAP in Russia.
Argentina—IAPD program discusses true concept of “loving the neighbor” and “social responsibility.”
Moscow, Russia—Russia’s changing relationship with Asia was the focus of an IAAP webinar.
UPF-Argentina—“Universal Language for Peace: Esperanto” was one of the themes discussed by the International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP) in Argentina.
Moscow, Russia—Prospects for a Bering Strait tunnel were the subject of a UPF-Russia webinar.
Moscow, Russia—The second “Science for Sustainable Development” webinar had about 46,000 views.
Argentina—“Selknam Culture and Ancestral Knowledge as a Road to Peace” was the theme of a discussion.