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Founder's Tour 2011

Peace Education

UPF Founders' Tours

The UPF Founders, Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, accompanied by the UPF executive leadership team, traveled in Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa to speak to the public on the theme of “Building a World of Universal Peace.” Programs took place in Spain, Italy, Norway, Greece, Turkey, the UK, Switzerland, Germany USA, and Nigeria.

Founders Tour 2011

Nigeria's New Hope for Peace

Abuja NigeriaAbuja, Nigeria. July 17, 2011

The International Conference Center in Abuja, Nigeria, has hosted many prestigious events, but the eleventh stop on the UPF Founders' Peace Tour 2011 on July 17 was surely one of the most memorable. A crowd of around 3,000, including more than 700 from overseas, was on hand to hear Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon speak at length of God’s hope that Nigeria will become a model nation of peace and a beacon of light to all of Africa.

Download the PowerPoint (13MB), in Russian, Spanish, Italian, Korean.

Rev. Moon Brings Peace Tour to Las Vegas

Las VegasLas Vegas, NV, USA. May 21, 2011

Filled with the vision and belief that Las Vegas will soon gain a new reputation as a “city of giving,” Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon told an international audience of over 3,000 on May 21 that God himself had great expectations for the long-notorious gaming capital of the world. “This is a time of quiet revolution,” the UPF Founder declared, “a time when the long era of sin and suffering will forever end, and a new age of God’s peace will begin."

UPF Founder Speaks in Berlin

Rev. and Mrs MoonBerlin, Germany. May 18, 2011

Crowds packed the avant-garde Tempodrom in Berlin May 17 and 18 to see the Little Angels Children's Folk Ballet during their thank-you tour to veterans who defended freedom in Korea six decades ago and to hear UPF Founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon challenge Germans to lift up the banner of peace in our time.

UPF Founders Speak in Geneva

Rev. and Mrs MoonGeneva, Switzerland. May 13, 2011

The majestic circular room of the Palais des Nations, one of the larger of the UN’s meeting rooms in Geneva, was filled to its capacity of 720 on May 13. The atmosphere was one of anticipation and excitement as participants had traveled from throughout Switzerland and neighboring countries to experience first hand the first occasion on which the UPF Founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, would be speaking at the United Nations in Geneva.

UPF Founders Speak in London

Rev. and Mrs MoonLondon, UK. May 11, 2011

Returning to London for the first time since founding the UPF in 2005, Dr. Sun Myung Moon said he and his wife had 'great expectations' for their visit, which culminated in both of them giving public addresses on May 11, beginning with a special event in the Houses of Parliament.

UPF Founder Speaks in Istanbul

The Tour in TurkeyIstanbul, Turkey. May 8, 2011

More than 50 Ambassadors for Peace, civil society leaders, and religious figures from more than 12 countries in the Middle East dedicated three days of their busy lives to discussing vital issues from the perspective of the region. The Middle East Leadership Conference in Istanbul May 6 to 8 coincided with momentous and surprising developments across the Arab countries and the world.
Read More... | Read about the Middle East Leadership Conference

UPF Founder Speaks in Athens

Rev. and Mrs MoonAthens, Greece. May 4, 2011

On May 3, Rev. Sun Myung Moon announced that he wanted to give his proclamation, "Building a World of Universal Peace at a Time of Global Crisis," in Athens, the birthplace of European civilization. As a result, some 500 Unificationists and Ambassadors for Peace eagerly converged the next day on the Ledra Marriott Hotel in Athens for the fourth speech of the European leg of the UPF Founders’ World Tour.

UPF Founder Speaks in Oslo

European Leadership Conference in NorwayOslo, Norway. May 1, 2011

That the UPF Founders Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon should set their eyes on Oslo, Norway, was an awesome surprise and blessing for Scandinavian Ambassadors for Peace and Unificationists. Having them as guests is a huge blessing but also a big responsibility. Their visit coincided with the UPF and Women's Federation for World Peace European Leadership Conference taking place in the Stortinget (the Parliament) in Oslo the same weekend.
Read More... | Remarks and Contributions

UPF Founder Speaks in Rome

Interfaith Water CeremonyRome, Italy. April 29, 2011

The  prestigious conference facilities of the Marriott Rome Park Hotel provided the setting for Rev. Sun Myung Moon's third major address on this world tour. On April 29, the beautiful, spacious room was filled with around a thousand people who came from all over Italy, many having left from cities in Northern Italy early that same morning. By the time Father Moon arrived the hall was completely full, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and expectation.
Read More... | Remarks and Contributions

UPF Founder Speaks in Madrid

Rev. and Mrs MoonMadrid, Spain. April 25, 2011

The more than 700 people who attended the opening program of the tour in Europe are unlikely to soon forget the compelling sight of a man giving all he had despite being well into his tenth decade of life. His vitality, his parental love, profound insights, joyful stories, sad reflections, thrilling moments, facial expressions brought the audience to an intimate closeness. “Spain is a land of passion, and you should use this passion for God’s will."

Tour Locations

April 24
April 26
April 29
May 1
May 4
May 7
United Kingdom
May 11
May 13
May 18
United States
May 21
July 17


Welcoming message by Dr. Thomas Walsh, President of UPF International

It is a high honor and privilege to address you on this historic Founders' Tour 2011 dedicated to the theme of “Building a World of Universal Peace at a Time of Global Crisis.”

When our Founders, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, launched the Universal Peace Federation in September 2005, they immediately embarked on a world tour to 120 nations, carrying a message of peace, rooted in spiritual and moral principles.

This has been the constant practice of Father Moon and Mother Moon, known throughout the world as True Parents. They are carrying a God-centered, providential message to the world, calling for people of every religion, race, nationality, and culture to come together as the restored sons and daughters of one God.

The UPF Founders have long been champions of interfaith cooperation, renewal of the United Nations, and service to others. In August of 2000, just before the United Nations Millennium Summit, Father Moon addressed the United Nations with a call for the establishment of an interreligious council within the UN system, noting that religion serves as the conscience and spiritual guide for the vast majority of the world’s peoples.

Today, a decade later, we find the United Nations more aware of the importance of religious issues than ever before, and we look forward to the creation of an interreligious council in the near future.

At the core of Father and Mother Moon’s message is the ideal of the God-centered family. Since 1960, with their own Blessing in marriage, they have taught that God’s ideal of true love is to be embodied in the family and multiplied throughout the world. Many of you here this evening have participated in the World Peace Marriage Blessing and adopted as your own the values that True Parents have taught.

The Ambassadors for Peace movement is calling leaders and professionals from every field of endeavor--religion, government, academia, civil society, the private sector, sports, and the arts--to try to become, like Father Moon, a “peace-loving global citizen.” I hope all of you will continue to serve as exemplary Ambassadors for Peace in your chosen field, and endeavor to apply the great ideals and principles taught by Father Moon.


"I was so happy that Father Moon spoke about the abuse of women by some men who take many wives and that there should true love and respect between men and women." - Mrs. Ola Teresa Johnson, resident of Switzerland originally from Sierra Leone

Distinguished Rev. Moon, they call you Father! I am happy that I was able to know you. We came to see you from the Czech Republic, which is also in a deep moral, spiritual, and political crisis. That is why we are so grateful to have access to your message about the family and the renewal of spirituality in our lives. I was proud to be able to write an introduction to your autobiography in the Czech language and recognize the wealth of inspiration that it offers for our lives. Once again, thank you for your message which we will endeavor to convey to others." - Mrs. Eva Kanturkova, former Member of Parliament, writer, journalist, and dissident in the communist era

"When I recently read Obama’s biography I found it very boring. However, reading Rev. Moon’s autobiography has been a deep experience: such richness of the heart and life and so many practical details. I could not stop reading till the early hours of the morning." - Dr. Haseeb Jiryes Shehadeh, University of Helsinki, expert in Hebrew and Arabic languages

"It has been a great meeting here in Oslo. The peak was surely the presence of our beloved leader Rev. Moon. His ideas will surely contribute to stopping conflict based on difference of race, religion, and ethnicity. I am amazed at his energy and ability to speak for several hours as a man of 90+ years." - Rev. Åke Lion, retired minister of the Swedish Lutheran Church

I have been Ambassador for Peace for a few years, and I always felt that there was a special grace in it. I defended Rev. Moon’s name for some time without knowing him so well. Now I know what was the power behind my attraction to him: He is the carrier of God’s will for this time. I’m grateful for this night's life-changing experience. Rev. Moon is a true man of God who not only preaches but also lives what he preaches. Thank you again, and let’s work to build the new world of peace together. - Antonio Imeneo, High Commissioner of the World Parliament for Security and Peace

I fully share the Rev. Moon’s vision expressed by him in the speech. Especially important is the meaning of this new age in which we will recognize all humankind as part of our family under one God. Each man and woman of the third millennium has the messianic principle in himself and herself, but Rev. Moon and his wife opened the way for the new culture and God’s Kingdom on earth and in Heaven. Thanks to them we can feel as brothers and sisters in one only world family, with one lineage. - Gabriella Lavorgna, President of the “Mandir della Pace,” a spiritual group that organizes the Assisi Peace Meeting every year

The extraordinary figure of Rev. Moon, with all his communicative power, is unique in the way he changed the contemporary era. I wish to express my great joy for his presence in Rome as part of his tour. I consider this choice an expression of his love and concern for Italy, at the point that he wanted to include Rome in his life experience once again. - Lady Souad Sbai, MP, Italy

A man moved by a heavenly energy, the most important prophet of the 21st century: his words, deeply rooted in his universal faith, will soon blossom for the future generations. - Franco Bucarelli, journalist and expert on the Vatican

Rev. Moon in his speech was passionate, convincing, and constructive—really very special. I was particularly impressed by the idea of the Bering Strait [crossing] and the one between Korea and Japan. I really hope that all his dreams come true very soon. - Carlo Alberto Tabacchi, journalist and expert on international politics

This Rome tour speech of Rev. Moon was a particularly meaningful one. Rome has been a city of great spirituality but also often great intolerance. UPF is working now for human rights and true peace based especially on religious freedom. This is the result of the Rev. Moon’s hard work building so many organizations for peace, aimed at reaching people of all levels. Especially important is the effort he is making to build bridges between enemy countries, like Japan and Korea or USA and Russia. His vision is to make the people of the world closer and closer as one family. - Antonio Stango, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and secretary at the parliament and European Union


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