Welcome to the UPF resource page for the UN Global Day of Parents. Here you will find a variety of program and print materials to help you create a successful event.




UN Resolution A/RES/66/292, September 17, 2012
UN Backgrounder:
Statement on the Global Day of Parents

UPF Statement:
Global Day of Parents
Reflect on readings about parents from the world's religious traditions
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon speaking at the United Nations: Vision for Parents' Day



Lesson plan on "The Family as the School of Love": Student text | Teacher's Guide
Lesson plan based on the Korean folk tale "Shimchong": The Blind Man's Daughter
Watch and discuss a movie about parents and children


  Banner 600cm x 150cm

Download (28.5MB)
  Podium 55cm x 36xm

Download (18.7MB)
  Cover and Flyer A4

Download (26.3MB)