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“The Role of Media in Advancing Civility in the Public Square”

UPF-USA—The Role of Media and its responsibility to promote fairness in the global marketplace of ideas was examined and discussed in an IMAP webinar on Tuesday, May 23rd by two veteran journalists: Carol Martindale, Editor-in-chief of Nation Publishing, the leading publishing and media house in Barbados, and Dr. Ester Davis, reporter for The Dallas Post Tribune and host and producer of the Ester Davis Show. Laura Hornbeck also introduced us to the work of the Women’s Global Peace Network. The webinar was moderated by Peggy Yujiri, UPF Colorado.

In today’s climate of political polarization, we are desperately in need of ways to bridge the divide between left and right, between faith-based and secular worldviews.

Carol Martindale emphasized that the media still has an important role to play in informing the public. She told us that, during the recent pandemic, the public turned to traditional media for accurate and fair information. She sees training and research as essential tools in preparing journalists to write in a fair and unbiased manner. Carol also explained how her media outlet navigated a recent controversy in Barbados related to amending the constitution to replace the word “God” with the word “Creator.”

Dr. Ester Davis explained how she has leveraged the media to create greater opportunities for minority communities in her home state of Texas. She also cautioned us to be skeptical in our media consumption. She says that polls, as well as other reporting, are often biased, based on the sponsor. Ester recommends that each of us be proactive by widening our knowledge of diverse communities by getting out and meeting people of differing backgrounds and learning about the issues for ourselves.

Laura Hornbeck, of Dallas Texas, next introduced the Women’s Global Peace Network (GWPN). Founded in 2012 by Dr. and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, GWPN brings together women leaders and organizations working with governments to solve pressing social issues. The emphasis is on women’s leadership, family and the environment.

Hans Moyer, US coordinator for IMAP, closed us out by thanking our panelists and inviting our audience to send in any additional questions and comments.

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