Taiwan-2014-11-28-Seminar on Northeast Asia security

Taipei, Taiwan - The UPF founders’ vision for Korean reunification was explained in a special seminar for Taiwanese Ambassadors for Peace.

Dr. Hideo Oyamada, UPF special advisor to the Chinese and Eurasian Regions, and Rev. Kuei-Hsin Jonathan Chang, chair of the UPF-Chinese Region, were the speakers at a seminar on “Peace and Security in Northeast Asia,” which was held in Pu-Hsien Buddhist Lecture Hall in Taipei, the national capital.

UPF-Taiwan held the Nov. 28, 2014, seminar so that Ambassadors for Peace could understand Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon’s approach to solving political conflict and to bringing peace and security to Northeast Asia.

Dr. Hideo Oyamada, who has been involved with many conferences and projects related to Northeast Asia, started by explaining UPF’s Northeast Asia Peace Initiative (NEAPI), which is concerned with bringing about the unification of the Korean Peninsula. In the past, Dr. and Mrs. Moon invested large amounts of resources in the Middle East, Latin America, Russia and China. On that foundation, Dr. Oyamada said, the time was right for them to invest in their own homeland.

Dr. Oyamada explained the basic plan of the founders to reconcile North and South Koreans and bring about reunification. In the first stage, the Cold War period, their focus was how to defend the Free World from communist invasion. In the second stage, the transitional period, they focused on preventing a hard crash and paving the way for a soft landing. The third stage will take place in the near future, when the peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula is achieved and an East Asian community established.

Dr. Oyamada elaborated on the four basic principles of NEAPI. First, prevent war. Second, promote private exchange. Third, narrow the economic gap between North and South Korea, and help North Korea transition from a military-based industry to normal industry. Fourth, share the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia.

Dr. Oyamada showed the participants many historical photos and explained the path that Dr. and Mrs. Moon walked personally, bringing step by step results. Every achievement was the consequence of their lifelong promise to God to bring about the unification of North and South Korea.

Rev. Chang explained step by step the founders’ vision of how to realize the ideal world of peace and prosperity. He also stated that the Interfaith Peace Blessing could speed the process of achieving world peace.

The 39 participants, who came from different religious backgrounds, learned in depth about Dr. and Mrs. Moon’s teachings. They also learned that great effort has been invested by UPF representatives worldwide, who also sacrifice a lot in order to promote an ideal world of peace and prosperity.

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