Angola—July 25, 2023, marked the 74th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World (The Tocoist Church) and consequently the descent of the Holy Spirit in Africa, through the Prophet Simão Gonçalves Toco. On July 30, 2023, Rev. Kinambuta Sambu Pedro, national president of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and Benvindo Wansung Pelani, secretary general of the Universal Peace Federation, were special guests of His Holiness Bishop Dom Afonso Nunes, Ambassador for Peace and spiritual leader of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World, at a ceremony celebrating the 74th anniversary, which took place at the Tocoist Universal Cathedral, Luanda.

Members of the government, political parties, and religious leaders were also invited and present at the celebration. These included: the Vice Governor of Luanda, the Governor of Uíge Province, the Vice President of the MPLA (the party in power), the Vice President of UNITA (the opposition party), the Secretary of State for the Ministry of the Family, the leader of the Methodist Church in Angola, a representative of the Theosophical Spiritualist Church, and a representative of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Angola.

Rev. Kinambuta Sambu Pedro spoke on behalf of the Family Federation and for UPF. He presented congratulations on behalf of the founders of the federations, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, thanked Bishop Dom Afonso Nunes for the invitation and for the long-standing partnership, and reiterated that the Family Federation and UPF will always work together with the church to bring about the restoration of universally accepted values.

At the conclusion of the program, there was a lunch offered by Bishop Dom Afonso Nunes to all the special guests, followed by the cutting of the birthday cake. 

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